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BBD 10.20.06 Living the Right Way

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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Living the Right Way

You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another. - Leviticus

These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a
proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that
devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false
witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren. - Proverbs

Austin Kenyon claimed to have caught a record small mouth bass weighing in
at 9.32 pounds on a certified scale. The state ruled that the bass had some
extra unfish-like weight added as in lead weights. Keith Underwood of the
Washington state Department of Fish and Wildlife gave the official ruling,
"Our determination is that the fish had been stuffed with lead weights at
the time it was inspected." A couple of Kenyon's friends gave statements
indicating the fish had been tampered with prior to it being weighed. The
actual record for a small mouth bass is held by Ray Wonacott who caught an
8.75-pounder in 1966.

In the United Kingdom nearly one-half (45%) of those surveyed admitted to
having committed forgery. One-fifth (21%) admitted to having used fake
identity cards. 18% admitted to actually forging some type of identification
card. Others admitted to forging and using doctor's notes, reference
letters, fake letters on company letterhead, travel tickets, concert
tickets, and sporting event tickets.

It appears that the modern society in which we live has little difficulty
with dishonesty. Perhaps it is because of the dishonesty of the adults that
the young people appear to engage in dishonesty so frequently. Rutgers'
Management Education Center in a national survey found that 75% of High
School Students in the U.S. engage in "serious cheating." Half of those
surveyed indicated that "they don't think copying questions and answers from
a test is even cheating." One student rationalized the situation by saying,
"What's important is getting ahead. The better grades you have, the better
school you get into, the better you're going to do in life. And if you learn
to cut corners to do that, you're going to be saving yourself time and
energy. In the real world, that's what's going to be going on. The better
you do, that's what shows. It's not how moral you were in getting there."

Where do you begin to address the moral morass that our world is in? The
dishonesty pervades our society with so many politicians if not outright
lying in the face of cameras are at the very least obviously shading the
truth. You have to wonder sometimes if they even know what the truth is - or
have they lied so much that they cannot remember?

If there is to be any hope for our society, for our world, for our
countries - we must return to the absolute moral principles set down by God
in the Bible because everything else is shifting sand. Does it matter how
you are able to become a student in a certain university? Does it matter how
you were able to become a rising star in the corporate world? Does it matter
how you were able to be elected to a political office? Is it okay to lie,
cheat, steal, and deceive your way to the top? The answer is.NO, NO, NO!!!
It is NOT okay! It is W R O N G! It is a S I N!

The truth is that by living according to God's principles and commands that
we may not make it to the top of the heap. However, we can have some things
that are much better and much more important. We can have a clear
conscience, we can have peace, we can feel good about ourselves, we can have
contentment, and we can be an example of what to do instead of what not to

Living the right way is usually not the easy way but than it is the right
way and it is God's way for your life. Try it, and see how God begins to
order your steps (Psalm 37:23) to give you a real life. "For the LORD knows
the way of the righteous (Psalm 1:6a)."

Copyright © 2006. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited. The Burning Bush website has
been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998 the email version of the
Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

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