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BBD 12.13.04 Road Rage Did Not Begin Here

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

(Over 13,000 subscribers in 75 countries)


Road Rage Did Not Begin Here

Today’s devotional was written by Dr. Walker Moore who is president of
AweStar Ministries in Tulsa, P. O. Box 470265, Tulsa 74147. You may contact
Walker at or 800.293.7827. Visit their website at

So the watchman reported, saying, "He went up to them and is not coming
back; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he
drives furiously!" - 2 Kings 9:20.

Last week I was in Peru visiting some missionaries. The first thing you
notice upon leaving the airport is the way the Peruvians drive. If you did
not know any better you would of have thought that someone had just
announced that the world was coming to an end.within the hour. In America we
have stoplights, yield signs, right of way laws and so do the Peruvians. But
in Peru, it does not mean a thing. If you are planning on driving overseas
let me give you a tip: forget everything that you ever learned in driver's
training. There seems to be two methods of driving. You can drive like an
American or you can drive like the rest of the world. The rest of the
world's driving consists of sitting in a vehicle that is about the size of a
bathtub with five other people. (You become very familiar with your knees.)
The objective in "overseas" driving is to see how fast you can go while at
the same time seeing how close you can get to other vehicles. You can tell
if you reached your objective if you can look over and see what radio
station the other car is listening to. I must confess that I prayed more
riding for 15 minutes in the backseat of a Peruvian taxicab than I did in
the month of January.

I have made several observations about "overseas" driving, and if we could
teach our teenagers these principles, we could prepare them to drive
anywhere in the world- except America. First, is the horn principle. In a
foreign country the horn is the most important item on the car. Now you
might think that the brakes or good tires would be important. But you would
be wrong. If your car does not have a horn you cannot drive in a foreign
country. When a massive number of cars are coming to an intersection at
blinding speeds, the one with the loudest horn has the right of way. With a
thousand cars just inches from yours the one with the loudest horn does seem
to be heard the best, and everyone lets them through. Everyone is so proud
of their horns that they honk them all the time. Second, you need to know
the centimeter principle. While many cars are converging upon an
intersection at blinding speeds the car whose bumper has protruded into the
intersection the farthest by at least a centimeter is the one who has the
right of way. This is difficult for Americans because we do not know the
metric system. Yet most foreigners can judge these distances while traveling
at 100 kilometers per hour. And we refer to these countries as being
underdeveloped. I beg to differ. The third and most important principle is
the banged up principle. When negotiating space with another car, the one
that has the most dents has the right of way. This car has much more
experience on the road and since age is respected in these countries you
need to allow it to have the right of way. The people who drive these cars
seem to have no fear of you or your vehicle whatsoever. So just smile and
let them have whatever they want. When your teenager gets ready to learn to
drive just give them the keys and a plane ticket!

Insight: Teach your child that driving is a responsibility not a right.

Prayer: Dear Father, I must confess that I am afraid to release my child to
the open road. Could You influence Congress to pass a law raising the legal
driving age to 35? If not, could You help me teach my child to become a
responsible driver. Help my child to understand that this freedom only comes
with maturity. May Your angels never let them out of the driveway without
Your wisdom and their brain. Amen.

Copyright © 2004. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited. On June 8, 1998 the email
version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

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