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BBD - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Wrather Family!! 12.25.17

Posted by: theburningbushdevotional <theburningbushdevotional@...>


2017 began with my preaching at a pastorless church in Elk City, Oklahoma and has continued throughout the year. In May, Jeanie and I became volunteer chaplains at the Baptist Village also in Elk City. The Baptist Village is an assisted living facility. I have a Bible Study there on Tuesdays.

This year we were threatened by a tornado. On May 16th a tornado hit the south part of Elk City causing major damage. We live about seven miles east of there and could see the tornado. At first we thought the tornado was headed directly for us, but it veered toward the northeast and disappeared before it would have hit us. Because of that we now have a new storm shelter in our house! Recently, we discovered an unseen danger that we had a propane leak in our house. Thankfully, the leak has been stopped!

In October, Jeanie had two small strokes which affected her ability to remember names. Much of the loss from the strokes has been recovered although they are still trying to determine the specific cause of the strokes. We know that the strokes could have been far worse than they were.

My writing and sending of devotionals this year has been limited and hopefully will be able to send more in the coming year.

With our Love and Prayers,

Ed, Jeanie and Nick 


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