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Can't Talk Tonight

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

We wish you a Happy Memorial Day weekend and for those travelling we wish you safety.
We will see you Tuesday.

Can't Talk Tonight

After a close friend moved away, we began to communicate by computer.
We met each week in her favorite chat room and would type for hours.

One night, I had a high fever and swollen larynx and felt too sick to
chat, so I dashed off a brief note canceling our cyber-plans, then fell
exhausted into bed.

My friend seemed upset when I phoned her a few days later.  "If you
don't want to go on the  'Net with me," she said, "just say so."

Perplexed, I retrieved the last e-mail I'd sent her.  It read, "I won't
be able to talk to you on the computer tonight.  I have laryngitis."


Little Johnny
Little Johnny's mother was having difficulty gulping down  
the birthday cake he had made for her as a surprise. When  
she was finished, Little Johnny happily exclaimed,  

"I'm so glad you like it, Mommy. There should have been 32  
candles on the cake, but they were all gone when I took it  
out of the oven."  


Christmas Play
I was casting kids in our church for our annual Christmas
play, and I was giving out choices, such as Shepherd,
Lamb, Villager.  One 5-year-old couldn't decide, so I said,
"Luke, you can be a Villager." He said, "OK," and ran over
to his parents.  Very excited, he said to them, "Guess
what! I get to be a mini-van!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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