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{MUSIC} The Beatles revisited, only naked

Posted by: weeks <weeks@...>

Well, today "Let it Be... Naked" is released. An no, not like Monty
Python's Nude Man at the organ, the Beatles didn't play in the nude.
It's a rerelease of the original recordings with Phil Spector's "Crappy
Wall of Sound" removed. It's supposed to be what McCartney envisioned
for the band - getting back to playing as a 4 (or 5 in some cases) piece
band - a good club band. And from the reviews, they likely really
succeeded on this one. Phil Spector came in and almost destroyed an
amazing piece of work. Paul and Ringo are said to be stunned and elated
at how good it came out. I'm anxious to go get it today.

I know some of you guys think the Beatles were just a band, but I think
they changed music forever - in the best way. I know that I wouldn't
have been so involved in it (probably would have continued my
football "career") if it wasn't for them and I know most music played in
church would still...well, be boring (not that praising God is boring,
just the music Larry Norman once said, I don't like none of
those funeral marches, I ain't dead yet).

- James

"I will always remember the day Rene Descartes died.  We had just
finished a wonderful meal and were sitting around plotting our next move
over coffee.  The waitress came up and asked, "More Coffee?"  Descartes
replied, "I think not."   And just disappeared right before my eyes."