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[CB]{Theology}Spiritual Gifts & church programs, was {PAY} Should I feel guilty?

Posted by: Ray_Uehara <Ray_Uehara@...>

James reflected:
>Last time I took it (3rd church in 5 years), I asked, "How come I can't
>find 'creative communication' in the Bible as a spiritual gift, but we
>use it here...and completely ingnore an explitly mentioned spiritual
>The teacher looked at me and said, "What are we missing?"

The church (at least in the U.S.) seems to focus so much on the 'feel
good' "gifts" and 'bless me' emphasis these days, hopping from popular
book to book or program to program - What happened to the theological
meat? When was the last time a megachurch promoted seeking/strengthening
the spiritual gift of voluntary poverty? Or cross-cultural missionary? Ya
know, to the point where other churches want to jump on the bandwagon, use
the same method/program, etc.?

As sound tech, yesterday I was fine tuning the sound system for our
organization's Board Meetings this week. One member of the Board was
leading the morning devotions. I forgot to write down the scripture
reference he was using, but he was pondering over judging his own
Christianity, the quality of his being in God's Word, and his spiritual
walk, if the world is not hating him. (The world will hate you for being
a Christian - i.e. Matt 24:9, John 15:18-19, 1John 3:13)

Hmm - does the world hate me, personally, for being a Christian? Is my
life so obviously Christian that the world notices and reacts? (Not me
just wearing the label "Christian" and wanting to associate myself with
the world's perception of "those Christians". Ya know, not like the
sign-carrying protesters, screaming at passerbys, but living humbly in
Christ's love.)

How often does the sermon, "The World Hates You!" heard? Is there a
popular book, "Does the World Hate You Yet?" being promoted in a church
near you?

-- Ray Uehara