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Posted by: bannerelknc <bannerelknc@...>

Hugh left this morning.  He had to take a job in Chas SC since he couldn't find anything up here.  It is not a great paying job, but a job nonetheless.  We all cried this morning which I know was hard on him but we had hoped he wouldn't have to travel and be away from us so much again.  Our place is still for sale but I just don't see it selling in this economy and I feel it is only going to get worse before it gets better- just my humble opinion.  My heart is aching and I have been crying out to he Lord.  We have had several unfortunate things happen  to us and with the exception of a few wonderful Christians our church family has not been very spiritually supportive.... so I am disheartened.   Thank goodness I have Him to support me!  How do people do it without the Lord?!  This
has been hard on the girls and Jack who is still here until next month.   We do however have so very much to be thankful for and I feel blessed.  We have our health so many gifts.  I know the Lord will never forsake me but also know it rains on the just and unjust.  We are waiting on him every min./hour/day to get through and are so thankful for what he has in store for us.

I hope I don't sound dreary as I don't want to bring anyone down, just sharing an update and my heart this morning with you dear ladies.




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