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[ChurchBass] [NBC] Re: list of attachments

Posted by: phil <phil@...>

In my own geeky way, I am going to guess that this is due to the fact
that this server does not enforce "plain text" rules on every message.
For example, Ace's posts are now coming as nice HTML text since that is
how AOL sends mail by default. Anyway, the side effect of not enforcing
plain text is that you can't really "smash" them all together in a
single digest format since there are MIME encoding headers with part
boundaries (to separate the HTML from the text, and whatever other
"attachments" the user sends)--so they must be treated as separate
emails in this format. Therefore, the digest will be a collection of
these separate emails. I tend to stick with single message delivery, so
I'm not sure how different clients would present that (the digest) to
you, but there may be clients that make that easier to deal with than
others--such as ones with a setting to view attachments that are other
notes as "inline" instead of having to click to open them separately.

- Phil

On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 09:30, Roy Waters wrote:
> I am too, and it makes the digest format very hard to use. Bet it
gets better tho. :o)
> Roy Waters
Phil Estes