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Confrontation at the Vet's Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Confrontation at the Vet's"
One day at the veterinarian's office where I take my dog, a man and
the receptionist were verbally sparring.
After a few moments a technician came to her co-worker's defense.
"Sir...Do you know what happens to aggressive males in this office???"
One night my father woke himself up with a loud "Hello!" to someone in his dream.
As the next day came and went, Dad thought the nocturnal outburst was his alone to remember.
But that night, as he and Mom were getting ready for bed, she said dryly, "If you see anyone you know tonight, just wave."
"Light of My Life"
The old lady had been married for many years when suddenly her husband died.
This is what she put on his tombstone: The Light of My Life Has Gone Out.
Not long afterward she met, fell in love with and married another man.
After thinking at some length about it, she went to the gravestone cutter
and had him add a little postscript.
The tombstone now reads:
The Light of My Life Has Gone out
P.S. I Found A Match
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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