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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** Delay ***  
A friend of mine was telling me her flight from Boston to New York
was delayed, which meant she missed her connection home to
Seattle. She joined a group of other passengers, all in the same
boat, each hoping to book seats on the next flight out.
All of the passengers waited patiently except for one man who
treated the ticket agent very rudely. "I had an aisle seat
reserved and I BETTER get an aisle seat when we get on
another plane," he ranted and raved.
A few minutes later the ticket agent announced that there would be
room for everyone. "And, sir," she said, addressing the rude
fella, "I'm happy to tell you that I was able to get you an aisle
seat, sir."
The man, still muttering, picked up his carry on, grabbed his
boarding pass, and headed through the door.
The agent continued, "And I'm also pleased to announce the rest of
you will be seated in First Class."

*** Helpful Hints For The Inexperienced Traveler ***

* Be very suspicious if the advertised price of a Caribbean cruise
  includes the phrase "Free Ammo".
* There is no legitimate reason for a travel agent to need to know
  if you have experience in jungle warfare.
* Do not board a cruise ship if passengers are being issued oars.
* Legitimate travel agents do not dress in foreign military
* In South America, say no to anyone wanting you to deliver a
  suitcase of powdered sugar to their grandmother in Miami.
* Consider very carefully visiting a country where the license 
  plate motto is "Die American Pig".
*** Pumpkin ***
Some neighbors of my grandparents gave them a pumpkin pie as a gift.
As lovely as the gesture was, it was clear from the first bite that the
pie tasted bad. It was so inedible that my grandmother had to throw it
Ever gracious and tactful, my grandmother still felt obliged to send the
neighbors a note.
It read, "Thank you very much for the pumpkin pie. Something like that
doesn't last very long in our house."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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