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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I had another weekend of 'galavanting' (over 300 miles). 

I went to my grandson's cross country meet, spent time 

catching up paper work at the office, did the old 

testament reading at Church and went to Toledo, OH to 

visit with out-of-state friends.


Today's Chuckles

1. New Suit

2. Playing Rough


New Suit

Abraham wanted a new suit, so he bought a nice piece of 

cloth and then tried to locate a tailor. The first tailor 

he visited looked at the cloth and measured Abraham, then 

told him the cloth was not enough to make a suit. 

Abraham was unhappy with this opinion and sought another 

tailor. This tailor measured Abraham, then measured the 

cloth, and then smiled and said, "There is enough cloth 

to make a pair of trousers, a coat and a vest, please 

come back in a week to take your suit." 

After a week Abraham came to take his new suit, and saw 

the tailor's son wearing trousers made of the same cloth. 

Perplexed, he asked, "Just how could you make a full suit 

for me and trousers for your son, when the other tailor 

could not make a suit only?" 

"It's very simple," replied the tailor, "The other tailor 

has two sons." 

- from ArcaMax


What you get by achieving your goals is not nearly as 

important as what you become by achieving your goals. 

- Zig Ziglar


Playing Rough

Stan was wrestling with his ten-year-old son Joel when 

Stan's wife Talia walked into the room. Seeing Joel 

trapped in a headlock, Talia admonished Stan, "You're 

playing too rough. You'll hurt him." 

>From underneath Stan, Joel gasped for breath and then 

said, "It's okay, Mom, He's just being a dad." 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Please pray for: Sherrie, Alfreda, Jay, Angie, Kathy, Jerry, Dan. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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