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Doc's Daily Chuckle 10/20/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>


                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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The hues of the autumn trees in New England were spectacular.

I was there celebrating my nephew's wedding. 


Today's Chuckles

1. Business Van

2. Grandparents - as Defined by Grandchildren


Business Van

My sister and I started a wallpapering and painting business, 

and had the company name, WOMEN DO IT NEATER, painted on the 

side of our van.

One day our family car broke down, so I used the van to take 

Mom and her friend shopping. As I was helping the two grey-

haired ladies down the steps, I heard one passerby say to 

another, I wonder how they ever climb the ladders.

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Grandparents - as Defined by Grandchildren 


~ Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little 

children of her own. They like other people's. 


~ A grandfather is a man grandmother. 


~ Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there 

when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't 

play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the store 

and have lots of quarters for us. 


~ They don't say, "Hurry up." 


~ Usually grandmothers are fat, but not too fat to tie your 



~ They wear glasses and funny underwear. 


~ Grandparents don't have to be smart. 


~ Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially 

if you don't have television, because they are the only 

grown-ups who like to spend time with us. 


~ They know we should have snack-time before bedtime. 


~ They kiss us even when we've acted bad. 

- from Mikey's Funnies


Please pray for: Betty, Kim, Ella, Danny, Alberta, Tim, Susan, Clare. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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