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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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The first 'chuckle' is more thought-provoking. If 

you choose to pass it on, please keep the author's 

name attached. Thanks. 

Have a great week-end. We're may have 'Indian Summer'



Today's Chuckles

1. Of Cats and People

2. Oranges


Of Cats and People 

(By Michael Newnham) 


Lord, this cat you gave me... she just doesn't listen. 


-I told her the rains were coming...she goes out anyway 

and comes back soaked. 


-I told her not to lay in weeds...yet everyday she comes 

in and expects me to pull all the stickers out of her fur

....from laying in the weeds. 


-I told her that as much as it's up to her to be at peace 

with all cats...yet she expects me to tend to her wounds 

from the fights she is always in. 


-She embarrasses me in front of the neighbors by instigating 

disputes with their cats...she thinks she owns the whole block. 


-She is constantly doing what she ought not to do and suffering 

the consequences. 


-Worse, she seems to blame all her misfortunes on least 

she expects me to deal with all the results of her disobedience. 


I always do, but she never seems to learn. 


-Furthermore, Lord...she has never missed a meal, but when she's 

hungry she yowls as if she hasn't had a meal in weeks. 


She makes it sound as if I'm a negligent and cruel father. 


The truth is that I always feed her and even give her treats. 


Just wanted you to know... 


-To top it all off, she is often distant and ignores me until 

she wants attention or me to provide something. 


-This cat makes me feel used. 


-Sometimes I wonder if she loves me, or just loves what I can give her. 


-It's a pretty one sided relationship. 


-Despite all of this, I love the cat and I've chosen to keep her. 


-Lord, that makes no sense, but I know you'll understand... 


...Make your own application... 

- By Michael Newnham (via Laugh & Lift)


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of 

preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. 

- Colin Powell



One day I was visiting a house. 

I had two oranges in my hands that a lady gave me.

 As I entered the house, the mother and 5 year old son 

greeted me. 

I gave him an orange. 

The boy was looking at me and the orange but did not 

say ‘thank you.’ So the mother said, “And what do you 


The young boy quipped looking at me, “Give me the other 

orange too.” 

- from pg vargis


Please pray for: Jeff, Ashley, Josiah, Caleb, Jack, Emily, Morgan, Bill. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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