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Doc's Daily Chuckle 10/28/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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We had a beautiful Monday - sunny and a high in the 

70's. It may be next year before that is repeated.


Today's Chuckles

1. Equipment Failure

2. Mint Condition:


Equipment Failure

As the sole systems engineer for a Midwestern storm 

prediction center, this fellow has his hands full.

But when there's a problem at a remote site on a 

college campus six miles away, he's the one who has 

to make the 15-minute drive to see what's wrong.

"This site collects needed weather satellite data 

and sends the data via private network to our main 

facility," says the systems engineer.

"One day, the operations folks indicate they're no 

longer getting the required data, and a quick check 

indicates that the computers and network equipment 

are not available on the far end."

So he hops in his car and drives over. When he gets 

there, everything in the equipment closet is working 


He calls the operations folks, and they say they're 

getting data again -- it was apparently just a 

momentary glitch. 

So he returns to the office.

"About two hours later, it's the same thing," he says. 

"I get to the remote facility, and everything is working. 

I return to the office again, only to repeat the trip 

two hours later."

After the third trip, he doesn't wait two hours; he goes 

back to the remote site after an hour.

"As I approach the equipment room, I hear a radio turned 

up very loud," says the engineer. "I walk in to find our 

equipment rack unplugged, the UPS beeping and flashing 

away, and a radio where our rack was plugged in -- and a 

maintenance crew of about six working on some new air 

conditioning ductwork."

He unplugs the radio and asks the maintenance crew foreman 

if he had any idea what he had disconnected.

"No," says foreman.

"Why do you keep unplugging it every two hours?"

"We're a union shop," foreman tells him. "We take a break 

every two hours."

"But didn't you think there was a problem when the rack 

started beeping when you unplugged it?" the frustrated 

engineer persists.

"Sure," shrugs foreman. "But turning up the radio helped."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


You have so many capabilities and potential. Start 

celebrating the life God has given you. - Joyce Meyer


Mint Condition:

Male, 1932 model, high mileage,

good condition, some hair,

Many new parts including hip,

knee, cornea, valves.

Isn't in running condition, but walks well. 

- from Ann F.


Please pray for: Caleb, Kit, Sandra, Anita, Gerry, Josie, Frank. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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