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Doc's Daily Chuckle 11/14/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I've got a cough and no voice. Tea, orange juice and sleep 

are my staples today.


Today's Chuckles


2. Senior Brains


Sales with Scripture 

The owner of an old-fashioned corner grocery store in 

a small country town was fond of quoting a scripture 

after each sale. 

He had three old friends that would sit around a 

potbellied stove, playing checkers on a faded board. 

His ability to produce a scripture for all occasions 

never ceased to amuse the old timers, and they would 

listen to see what verse he would come up with relevant 

to the sale made. 

A lady purchased some material and he said, "She seeketh 

wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." 

A man bought a sack of flour; he said "Man does not live 

by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth out of the 

mouth of God." 

A little boy bought some candy and as he rung it up he 

quoted, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me." 

It was nearly closing time when the chimes over the door 

jangled loudly. A well dressed young man, obviously a 

stranger from one of the larger towns down the road, 


"Help you?" offered the proprietor. 

"I need a blanket for my horse," said the man. "He's out 

in his trailer and it's too cold for just one. Bring me 

the nicest one you've got!"

The store owner went in the back store room and came back 

with a brown blanket. "That'll be five dollars." 

"Five dollars? You've got to be kidding!' said the man. 

"This horse is a thoroughbred. He gets only the best! He 

wouldn't stand still for an old five dollar blanket." 

Without comment, the store owner took back the blanket, 

then merely selected a different color and brought it out. 

"This one's $25 dollars." 

"Now, look," said the young man. "Perhaps I didn't make 

myself plain. This isn't just any old horse! He's worth 

thousands! Now I want the best, most expensive blanket 

you've got! Comprende?" 

The owner once more went into the store room, pulled out 

another color of the same material and brought it back. 

"This is the only one left, and it's $100." 

"Now that's more like it!" enthused the fellow as he paid. 

Throwing the five dollar blanket over his shoulder, he left. 

The old timers stared silently at the shopkeeper as they 

waited to see what possible scripture he could come up with 

for that sale! 

Going behind the register, he rang up the hundred dollars and 

said, "He was a stranger, and I took him in.”

- from Monday Fodder


In the end, just three things matter: how well we 

have lived; how well we have loved; how well we 

have learned to let go. - Jack Kornfield 


Senior Brains

WOW!  Finally, a rational explanation for 



Brains of older people are slow because they 

know so much. People do not decline mentally 

with age, it just takes them longer to recall 

facts because they have more information stored 

in their brains, scientists believe. Much like 

a computer struggles as the hard drive becomes 

fuller, so humans also take longer to access 

information, it has been suggested.


Researchers say this slowing down is not the 

same as cognitive decline.  The human brain 

works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael 

Ramscar, but only because we have stored more 

information over time.  The brains of older 

people do not get weak. On the contrary, they 

simply know more, but just may not be able to 

access the information as quickly.


Also, older people often go to another room 

to get something and when they get there, they 

stand there wondering what they came for.  It 

is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of 

making older people get more exercise.


SO THERE!!  Now I understand.....what a 


- from Ann F.


Please pray for: Rose, Eileen, Jean, Eric, Joanne, Beth, Melissa. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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