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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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My voice is slowly returning. 

Thanks for the prayers. 

With this challenge and the weather, 

I may be taking today off work.


Today's Chuckles

1. Open or Closed

2. Dorkiness


Open or Closed

A couple often ate at a local restaurant and were amused to 

discover the simple way the eatery had of advertising its 


The door displayed four large letters that spelled the word 


Then, after business hours, the "N" was moved forward to 

spell out "NOPE."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


To Succeed In Life, You Need Three Things...A Wishbone, 

A Backbone, and a Funny Bone. - Reba McEntire



Dorkiness is:

While waiting inside the school for dismissal to pick up 

the girls, all of a sudden a whole gaggle of 5th and 6th 

grade girls come running up to me, squealing and very 


I think, "Wow! They must be happy to see me! Wonder why 

I'm so popular today? Never mind, I'll take it!"

Then I was all, "Hey girls, what's up! Good to see you!"

My "I am so cool" moment lasted less than a second as I 

turned around and realized I was standing right in front 

of where Drama Club posted the cast list for the school 


- by Janet Hunt (my niece)


Please pray for: Cidee, Linda, Robert, Kim, Marie, Danni, Toby, Emily. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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