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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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It's going to be a long day. I have a board meeting after 

work tonight. Hopefully, the predicted snow will hold off 

until I'm safely home.


Today's Chuckles

1. Malfunction 

2. Did You Know . . .?



Because the oven was overshooting the set temperature, I shaved a 

few minutes off the cooking time for my muffins, set the timer and 

asked my husband to keep an eye on them while he did the dishes and 

I dusted.

Not long after, I smelled something burning and dashed into the 


"Are those my muffins burning?" I asked Andy.

"Yes," he said as he calmly wiped a dinner plate.

"Then why are they still in the oven?" I cried.

"Because," he replied, "the timer hasn't gone off yet."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Even if laughter were nothing more than sheer silliness and fun, 

it would still be a precious boon. But we now know that it is 

far more than that, that it is, in fact, an essential element in 

emotional health. - Steve Allen


Did You Know . . .?

Did you know “listen” and “silent” use the same letters?

Do you know  that the words “race car” spelled backwards 

still spells “race car”. 

And that “eat” is the only word that if you take the 

first letter and move it to the last, it spells its 

past tense “ate”? 

How weird is that?

- from Gary L.


Please pray for: Lovemore, Wirimai, Wilson, Kit, Peter, Angelica, Al. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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