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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I'm still challenged with laryngitis and a dry cough which 

is interfering with my sleep. I spent the entire week-end 

at home taking frequent naps.


Today's Chuckles

1. Culinary Skills

2. The Seven Wonders of the World


Culinary Skills

Concerned that her son, lacking culinary skills, might not 

eat or eat all the wrong foods when he left for his first 

year of college, my sister made him a "care" box filled with 

his favorite soups, casseroles and cookies, which she had 

cooked and frozen for him. 

The day of departure arrived, and with his car loaded down, 

Bill left.

He phoned home after a busy first week, and Jean asked if 

he had been eating the food he had taken with him. 

"Well, no, Mom," Bill replied, "I don't have a microwave...

I can't defrost anything." 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


The significant problems we face cannot be solved 

at the same level of thinking we were at when we 

created them. - Albert Einstein


The Seven Wonders of the World 


A group of students studied the "Seven Wonders of the 

Modern World." At the end of that section, the students 

were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven: 


1. Suez Canal 

2. Dneproges Dam on the Dnepr River (USSR) 

3. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England 

4. Alaska (ALCAN) Highway 

5. Golden Gate Bridge 

6. Eiffel Tower 

7. Empire State Building 


While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, 

a quiet girl, hadn't turned in her paper yet. She asked the 

girl if she was having trouble with her list. 


The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my 

mind because there were so many!" 


The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we 

can help." 


The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of 

the World' are: 


1. To touch 

2. To taste 

3. To see 

4. To hear. 

"She hesitated a little, "and then, 

5. To run 

6. To laugh 

7. To love." 

- from Laugh & Lift


Please pray for: Raymond, Savannah, Storm, Aliyia, Patricia, Maureen, Gerard . 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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