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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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The 'warm' hiatus is already past tense. Temperature has 

already dropped over 25 degrees in the past few hours and 

is going lower. Br-r-r.


Today's Chuckles

1. Christmas Presents

2. First Anniversary


Christmas Presents

When my son, Terrence, was four years old, he piqued everyone's

interest when he placed a childishly wrapped package under the 

tree for each family member.

On Christmas morning, Terrence looked on with joy and expectation

as we opened his gifts. There were exclamations of "I thought I'd 

lost that!" and "So that's where that went!"

When we asked Terrence why he had wrapped our favorite items,

he replied, "Because I knew it was something you would really want!" 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. - Maya Angelou 


First Anniversary

The other day while driving home, after being delayed at my 

office, I suddenly saw flashing lights in my rearview mirror. 

The police officer pulled me over for speeding. Hoping for a 

little leniency I explained to him that I was rushing home to 

be with my wife on our first anniversary. 

But rather than letting me off with just a warning, he went 

ahead and wrote out the ticket, handed it to me, and said, 

"Congratulations! The first year is paper, right?"

- from ArcaMax Jokes


Please pray for: Dillian, Terri, Sylvia, Amanda, Bonnie, Susan, Eileen. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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