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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


Please feel welcome to forward this email to your

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Doc's Daily Chuckle family!

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From Archie. I recommend his uplifting e-mail.

Today is election day. Pray for voters to choose 



Today's Chuckles

1. Hospital Parking

2. Fishing


Hospital Parking 

The County Highway Commissioner was driving to the hospital for 

treatment of his painful knee injury. He decided to take advantage 

of the hospital's Valet Parking. As he exited his car, a young man 

with the Valet Parking Company, comes up and asks if this was a 

government vehicle.


"Yes," the Commissioner replied, surprised by the question. "In 

fact it's an unmarked police car."


"Wow!" the young man said, sliding behind the wheel. "This will 

be the first time I've been in the front seat."


- from Thomas E. (via GCFL)


Archie, who has become my right hand man, regularly sends an 

uplifting e-mail. You would just need to cut-and-paste the url.

He  also now sends out gospel music 5 days a week plus 

takes requests. Just send an email to the e-mail address 

below with which you would like to have in the subject line. 

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It  is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, 

but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends. - Euripides



Year after year Bubba's wife pleaded with him to take her 

fishing, but he kept telling her she would not enjoy it. 

She finally wore him down so he consented, and early one 

morning they took off for the lake.

They had not been there very long when the fish began biting.  

Almost as fast as they cast, a fish would bite, and they reeled 

it in. After  catching their limit, Bubba said, "Verna Lou, 

sweet thang, I'm sorry. You've been good luck and I'm gonna 

bring you with me the next time. If you'll mark the spot where 

we caught all these fish, we'll go home."

On the way home, Bubba turned to Verna Lou and said, "Sweet 

thang, how did you mark the spot where all the fish are so next 

time I'll  know?"

"Bubba, darlin', I put a big 'X' on the side of the boat right 

down closest to the water."

"Sweet thang, that's about the dumbest thing I ever seen you do. 

Don't you know that won't work? We may not get the same boat the 

next time!"

- from Big Clean Joke Attack


Please pray for: Sam, Toni, Tom, Emily, Donald, Dan, Marilyn, Sean. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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