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Doc's Daily Chuckle 12/19/14

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Although Santa is NOT the center of Christmas, I hope you enjoy 

these. In our house the tradition is Christmas is Jesus' birthday 

(complete with cake and song). Jesus loves you so much, He shares 

His birthday with you. Santa is the delivery person.


Today's Chuckles

1. Santa Letter

2. Why Santa is a Man!


Santa Letter 

Dear Santa, 

I've been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned, and cuddled my two 

children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor, 

sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree 

on the school playground and figured out how to attach nine patches onto 

my daughter's girl scout sash with staples and a glue gun.

I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, 

since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of 

a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find 

any more free time in the next 18 years.

Here are my Christmas wishes: 

I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache after a day of chasing kids (in 

any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't flap 

in the breeze, but are strong enough to carry a screaming toddler out of 

the candy aisle in the grocery store. 

I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month 

of my last pregnancy.

If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like a car with fingerprint 

resistant windows and a radio that only plays big-people music; a television 

that doesn't broadcast any programs containing talking animals; and a 

refrigerator with a secret compartment behind the crisper where I can hide 

to talk on the phone. 

On the practical side, I could use a talking daughter doll that says, "Yes, 

Mommy" to boost my parental confidence, along with one potty-trained toddler, 

two kids who don't fight, and three pairs of jeans that will zip all the way 

up without the use of power tools. I could also use a recording of Tibetan 

monks chanting, "Don't eat in the living room" and "Take your hands off your 

brother," because my voice seems to be just out of my children's hearing 

range and can only be heard by the dog. 

And please don't forget the Play-doh Travel Pack, the hottest stocking stuffer 

this year for mothers of preschoolers. It comes in three fluorescent colors 

and is guaranteed to crumble on any carpet making the in-laws' house seem just 

like mine.

If it's too late to find any of these products, I'd settle for enough time to 

brush my teeth and comb my hair in the same morning, or the luxury of eating 

food warmer than room temperature without it being served in a Styrofoam 


If you don't mind I could also use a few Christmas miracles to brighten the 

holiday season.  Would it be too much trouble to declare ketchup a vegetable? 

It would clear my conscience immensely. It would be helpful if you could 

coerce my children to help around the house without demanding payment as if 

they were the bosses of an organized crime family; or if my toddler didn't 

look so cute sneaking downstairs in his pajamas to eat contraband ice cream 

at midnight.

Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is ringing and my son saw my feet under 

the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back. Have a safe trip and 

remember to leave your wet boots by the chimney and come in and dry off by the 

fire so you don't catch cold. Help yourself to cookies on the table, but don't 

eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet. 

Your's Always,


P.S. One more thing: You can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children 


- from Mikey's Funnies


A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they

should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of

independence from any who might attempt to abuse them,

which would include their own government. - George Washington.


Why Santa is a Man! 

By Bill Helker 


1. Santa lives at the North Pole. 

Anyone who has ever dated/married/been in the same room with a woman knows 

that unless the air temperature is high enough to cook a small turkey, she 

will complain about it being too cold. So, there is NO way she would choose 

the North Pole as her base of operations. The Bahamas would be more to her 



2. Santa is fat and jolly. 

I dare ANYONE to describe ANY woman as "fat and jolly" to her face and expect 

to survive! If Santa was a woman, and you refereed to her as this, you wouldn't 

find coal in your stocking, you'd find a pipe-bomb! 


3. Santa at the mall. 

Now, I know that others have used the "Mall" example as proof that Santa is a 

woman. However, you see both men and women at the mall. And let me ask you 

this...What does Santa DO at the mall??? HE SITS DOWN!!! Do you ever see women 

sitting down at the mall??? Noooo! Women are running around trying to find a 

dust ruffle that matches the throw pillows on her sister's day-bed! Men 

sit...Santa sits. 'nuff said. 


4. Santa walks around on rooftops. 

I don't know about you, but my wife REFUSES to get on the roof! If there is 

anything to be done up there, she sends me. In fact, I don't think I have EVER 

seen a woman up on a roof. The fact that Santa is perfectly comfortable walking 

around on a slippery, angled housetop is further proof that he is a "He!" 


5. Santa likes Milk and Cookies. 

If Santa were a woman, we'd have to leave Godiva Chocolate and International 

Foods Flavored Coffee. Or maybe herbal tea. Of course, if she was still 

sensitive about the whole "Fat and Jolly" thing, she would demand nothing more 

than a carrot stick and a glass of water. 


6. Santa uses the Chimney. 

No woman would ever THINK about crawling into a dirty, smelly chimney. A woman 

would carry a spare set of keys for every house. Of course, this would never 

work because she wouldn't be able to find them in her purse. 


7. Santa has reindeer. 

Reindeer are totally for guys; they are big, hairy, smelly, and have huge 

antlers. A woman would never use them. She would prefer to be driven around in a 

stretch limo. Or, if she really wanted to use the traditional sleigh, they would 

have to be pulled by horses. I mean, what is it with women and horses?? 


And that's why Santa is a man! 


Copyright 2002 Bill Helker. Permission is granted to send this to others, but 

not for commercial purposes. 

 - from Mikey's Funnies


Please pray for: Charles, Jim, Conrad, Maureen, Theresa, Patrick, Gerry, Ray. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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