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Doc's Daily Chuckle 12/2/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I was too tired to put this together last night. 

Thus, it is later than usual as the priority of 

seeing patients took precidence. 

(BTW: Sleep is NOT over-rated!) 


Today's Chuckles

1. Two Questions

2. Making Friends


Two Questions

When eighty-four-year-old William fell in love with his 

eighty-three-year-old neighbor Phyllis, he thought his 

heart would burst with joy. 

However, little did he know that it was another part of 

his body that would give way first. 

Getting down on his knees to propose to Phyllis, he told 

her that he wanted to ask her two questions. Firstly, 

would she marry him?

"Oh yes," she replied. "But what's your second question"

"Will you help me up?" 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


What you do today can change all the tomorrows of your 

life. - Zig Ziglar


Making Friends 

At the pool with Hailey earlier.

"I want to make friends with those two kids over 


"Sounds great! I think they speak French, though, 

so you may want to wait until Daddy gets back so 

he can help translate."

Hailey pauses, looking confused. "But...but...but...

they're laughing in English. Wait a minute, laughing 

sounds the same in every language?!?!" 

-from Janet H. (my niece)


Please pray for: Carol, Louanne, Sandra, Robert, Renee, Celeste, Marie. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! Marie, 

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