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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I've had a chance this past week to reflect on how 

blessed we are and interconnected in prayer. God is 

good and cares about us each as individuals.


Today's Chuckles

1. Pioneer Dinner

2. First Music Lesson


Pioneer Dinner

My daughter Dauna, had been teaching her Grade 3 and 

4 students how pioneer families lived. They studied 

pioneer clothes and manners, as well as how they 

celebrated holidays. 

Dauna decided to prepare a pioneer dinner for her classes, 

with mothers helping to heat and serve the feast. 

At the end of the meal, one boy raised his hand.

"Yes, Michael?" Dauna asked.

"Oh, Mrs. Meeks! This was the best dinner I've ever had 

in my life! You shouldn't be a teacher; you should be 

cooking in our cafeteria!" 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


It's the little things you do that make the big things 

happen. - Mike Dooley


First Music Lesson 

The first graders were attending their first 

music lesson. The teacher was trying to begin 

at the beginning. She drew a musical staff on 

the blackboard and asked a little girl to come 

up and write a note on it.

The little girl went to the blackboard, looked 

thoughtful for a minute and wrote, "Dear Aunt 

Emma, just a short note to tell you I'm fine."

- from Clean-Laffs


Please pray for: Tim, Al, Colleen, Pitamber, Wilma, Mac, Jessica. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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