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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Doc's Daily Chuckle family!

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If you live near northeast Ohio, you should check out 

It is a fabulous day with 4 national Christian singers/bands. It 

is totally free. This year it will be Sun. Aug. 3. It is open to 

everyone who wants to have a positive family day. There is off-site 

parking with free shuttle service. Pass this info on, please.


Today's Chuckles

1. Big Brother

2. New Job


Big Brother

Four-year-old Jacob was thrilled when he and his family 

moved out of a cramped apartment and into a house. Jacob 

got his own bedroom and no longer had to share a room with 

his one-year-old sister Tia. 

Six months after the move, his father Thom sat Jacob down 

and said, "I have great news. You're going to have a baby 


"Will I be sharing my room with him?" Jacob asked. 

Thom nodded, saying "Big brother and little brother together." 

Jealous that his sister would still have a room to herself, 

Jacob, now five, groused, "I wish you could save your receipt 

so you can return him for a girl."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Our true worth, value, and identity come not from what the 

world says, but from complete acceptance by God. In and of 

ourselves, we'll never be enough; we'll wear ourselves out 

trying. - Nancy Stafford


New Job


A husband raced into the house and said to his wife, 

"I've found a great job. The salary is good. It offers 

free medical insurance and paid holidays." 

"That's wonderful, dear," his wife said. 

"I thought you'd be pleased," the husband said. "You 

start tomorrow." 

- from Laugh & Lift


Please pray for: Donna, Bill, Edna, Joyce, Marielle, Dave, Elaine, Andy. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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