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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


Please feel welcome to forward this email to your

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Doc's Daily Chuckle family!

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from Archie. I recommend his uplifting e-mail.


Today's Chuckles

1. Computer's Down

2. Big Cavity


Computer's Down

Our new office computer system was down as much as it was 

working. My co-worker Cathy decided to stay late one evening 

to catch up on the work that had accumulated. On her way home, 

a police officer stopped her for speeding. 

"What a perfect end to an awful day!" she exclaimed. "Our 

computer is up, then down -- up, then down. I stay late to 

catch up, and now this!"


The officer was unaffected by Cathy's griping and he went 

to his car to prepare a citation. After what seemed an 

eternity, he returned with her license and registration. 

As he handed them to her, he smiled and said, "Our computer 

is down."


- from Thomas E. (via


Archie, who has become my right hand man,regularly sends an 

uplifting e-mail. You would just need to cut-and-paste the url.

He also now sends out gospel music 5 days a week plus 

takes requests. Just send an email to the e-mail address 

below with which you would like to have in the subject

line. To Subscribe just send an email with subscribe in 

the subject line to


Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous 

step would carry us clear through them. - Brendan Francis 


Big Cavity 

"Open wider," requested the dentist, as he began his examination 

of the patient.


"Good grief!" he said, startled. "You've got the biggest cavity 

I've ever seen -- the biggest cavity I've ever seen."


"OK, doc!" replied the patient. "I'm scared enough without you 

saying something like that twice."


"I didn't!" said the dentist. "That was the echo."


- from Pastor Tim (via


Please pray for: Steve, Terri, Keith, Helen, Kit, Jeff, Chondra, Emily. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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