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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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My son-in-law, Dave, is continuing to improve. Stitches 

came out this week. The multitude of cuts are healed. 

Swelling is gone. Still needs narcotics for pain. 

Has braces on both arms and back. Thanks for the 

continued prayers.


Today's Chuckles

1. Post-Op

2. Have a Will?



Our patient in the hospital was a big, burly former officer.

Just after surgery, and still half out of it, he became agitated 

and confused, tearing at his IVs and trying to escape his bed.

The nurses gamely attempted to keep him calm but were losing

this battle. That's when my old Air Force training came in 

"Colonel!" I commanded. "At ease."

And with that, the colonel fell back to sleep. 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Every moment of one’s existence is growing into more or retreating 

into less. - Norman Mailer


Have a Will?

I hate the idea of going under the knife. So I was very 

upset when the doctor hold me I needed a tonsillectomy. 

Later, the nurse and I were filling out an admission form. 

I tried to respond to the questions, but I was so nervous 

I couldn't speak.

The nurse patted my hand and said, "Don't worry. This 

medical problem can easily be fixed, and it's not a 

dangerous procedure."

"You're right. I'm being silly," I said, "Please continue."

"Good," the nurse went on, "Now, do you have a living will?"

- from Reader's Digest


Please pray for: Charles, Frances, Elvie, Aurelia, Dave, Maureen, Paul, Peggy. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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