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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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My grandson turned 13 and received a flight instruction 

class for his birthday. He flew a plane for the first 

time this weekend. He did the taxiing, take off and flying.

His instructor landed the plane.


Today's Chuckles

1. Airport Garage

2. Flying in Alaska


Airport Garage

Dewey was returning home from a business trip, 

bags in hand, and slowly making his way to his 

vehicle in the crowded airport garage. Suddenly 

a large dark car screeched to a stop in front 

f Dewey, and the driver pointed menacingly at 


"Get in," the driver ordered. "I'll take you to 

your car."

Startled, Dewey took a step backward. "Ah ... no 

thanks," he answered. "I can get there myself."

"No!" the man barked back as he threw open his 

passenger side door. "Get In!"

Dewey's eyes now darted around the garage, hoping 

to find a security guard.

Just then, the driver's face softened. "Please," 

he said, "I've been driving up and down for an 

hour. I can't find a space to park and I want 


- from Mikey’s Funnies 


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's 

about learning how to dance in the rain... - Vivian Greene


Flying in Alaska 

I was inspecting communications facilities in Alaska. 

Since I had little experience flying in small planes, 

I was nervous when we approached a landing strip in 

a snow-covered area. The pilot descended to just a 

couple hundred feet, then gunned both engines, climbed, 

and circled back. While my heart pounded, the passenger 

beside me seemed calm.

"I wonder why he didn't land," I said.

"He was checking to see if the landing strip was plowed," 

the man said.

As we made a second approach, I glanced out the window. 

"It looks plowed to me," I commented.

"No," my seatmate said. "It hasn't been cleared for 

some time."

"How can you tell?"

"Because," the man informed me, "I'm the guy who drives 

the plow."

- from Thomas E. (via GCFL)


Please pray for: Anne, Billy, Robyn, Joyce, Tracy, Darlene, Oyin, Ian. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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