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Doc's Daily Chuckle 8/8/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Yesterday, my oldest grandchild 'officially' became an adult. 

He is a senior in high school but had a birthday, so he's 18.


Today's Chuckles

1. Spells It

2. Ladder


Spells It

I am a nurse in a dermatology office. When I bring young patients 

in, I try to set them at ease by starting a conversation. In this 

case, our new patient was a 7- or 8-year-old girl. I introduced 

myself by saing, "Hi, my name is Lynda... what's your name?" 

She told me her name and then said with a big smile, "My aunt's 

name is Linda, too!" 

I replied, "Oh, does she spell it with an "i" or a "y?" 

Her smile was replaced with a puzzled look. "I think she spells 

it with an L."

- from The Humor Project


Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

- Willa Cather



My next-door neighbor and I frequently borrow things from each 

other. Not long ago, when I requested his ladder, he told me 

he had lent it to his son. 

Recalling a saying my grandmother used to repeat, I recited, 

"You should never lend anything to your kids, because you will 

never get it back." 

With that, he responded, "Tell you the truth, it's not even 

my ladder. It's my dad's." 

- from Laugh & Lift


Please pray for: Aaron, Kent, Kit, Bill, Nancy, Peter, Patty, Dave, Peggy. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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