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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I'm reading 'Blue Ocean Strategy'. I'd summarize it as 

a book which explains how-to have win-win businesses 

rather than what is more common - cut-throat competition.


Today's Chuckles

1. Samson

2. Talent 



A Sunday school teacher asked her class to write 

a composition on the story of Samson. 

One teenage girl wrote, "Samson wasn't so unusual. 

The boys I know brag about their strength and wear 

their hair long too."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. 

- Heber J. Grant



A duck walks into a bar and orders a beer and a sandwich. 

The bartender looks at him and says, "But you're a duck." 

"I see your eyes are working," replies the duck. 

"And you talk!" exclaims the bartender. 

"I see your ears are working," says the duck, "Now can 

I have my beer and my sandwich, please?" 

"Certainly," says the bartender, "sorry about that, it's just 

we don't get many ducks in this pub. What are you doing 

round this way?" 

"I'm working on the building site across the road," explains 

the duck. 

So the duck drinks his beer, eats his sandwich, pays and leaves. 

This continues for 2 weeks. Then one day the circus comes to 

town. The ringleader of the circus comes into the pub and the 

bartender tells him about the incredible talking duck. 

"Marvelous!" says the ringleader, "get him to come see me." 

So the next day, the duck comes into the pub. The bartender 

says, "Hey, Mr Duck, I lined you up with a top job paying 

really good money!" 

"Yeah?" says the duck, "Sounds great, where is it?" 

"At the circus" says the bartender. 

"The circus?" the duck enquires. 

"That's right," replies the bartender. 

"The circus? That place with the big tent? With all the 

animals? With the big canvas roof with the hole in the 

middle?" asks the duck. 

"That's right!" says the bartender. 

The duck looks confused and asks: "What the heck do 

they want with a plasterer?" 

- from ArcaMax Jokes


Please pray for: Tom, Rose, Linda, Floyd J.R., Patty, Linda, Sara, Martha, Stuart. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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