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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Have a wonderful week-end. I'll be enjoying time

with a couple of my children and five of my grands.


Today's Chuckles

1. Plumber

2. Tables Turned



My boss had been trying to reach Mike, one of his plumbers, when 

it became apparent Mike had accidentally turned off his pager. 

Suddenly the boss realized he had sent Mike on a call to an 

apartment building where his own sister lived. 

When Mike returned to the office, he said he felt he had been in 

the Twilight Zone: While working in the hallway, an attractive 

lady whom he had never seen before opened her apartment door and 

said: "Mike? It's for you."  

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Don’t worry about being right, just worry about being kind. 

– Tilly Therber


Tables Turned 

When his auto mechanic came in for a operation, Dr. 

Grimley couldn't help but take the opportunity to 

turn the tables on him.

"Well Frank," said the doctor, "It's going to take 

at least five days for the parts to get in. As for 

the cost, there's no way to tell until we get in 

there and see exactly what the problem is..."

- from Clean Laffs


Please pray for: Behnam, Dave, Peggy, Maureen, Emily, Gabe, Annie, Aurelia. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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