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E-pistle for April 1, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation April 1, 2005

In This Issue:

Holy Ground Interview - Deborah

Theological classes at Pillsbury

Curt Scarborough's Holy Ground Interviews

Featuring Today's Special Guest DEBORAH

CS Deborah, you are one of Israel's most outstanding

figures; a prophetess, judge, patriot and military
leader, and

poet-singer. Your associate, Barak, comes across as a bit of a

wimp. Yet he is listed as a hero of faith in the Book of Hebrews,

and you are not even mentioned.

Deborah I don't take personal offense over that! Barak did lead
our army

in a great victory over Sisera.

CS But you are probably the greatest woman in the Old

Most other famous women owe their prominence to
their husbands

. . . like Sarah and Rebecca and even Bathsheba.

Deborah You're forgetting Ruth and Esther. There are entire books
in the

Old Testament bearing their names.

CS True, but Ruth is famous because she was a
great-grandmother of

King David, and Esther was a queen of the heathen
nation of Persia.

You served as a national leader of Israel! Surely
you felt some

sense of gender discrimination from being banned
from the Faith

Hall of Fame in Hebrews.

Deborah The writer of Hebrews didn't attempt to record a complete
listing of

all persons of faith. And there was no sexual bias.
Did you notice that

he featured the harlot Rahab in his history of the
fall of Jericho, but

Joshua, the great leader of our nation during that
era, is not even

mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. It
proves nothing!

CS Rahab is listed, but Joshua isn't?

Deborah Look it up!

CS What was Barak's problem? Why wouldn't he go into
battle unless

you went with him?

Deborah He was a humble man, needing encouragement . . . that's

CS That "hero of faith" had very little faith, in my

Deborah Young Barak was like a son to me and my husband, Lapidoth,

just needed to be challenged by more mature
believers. God

took Barak's small faith and transformed him into a
great warrior.

CS But Barak refused to budge unless you agreed to go
with him.

Deborah He was a bit dependent upon me, but I taught him to put
his dependence

in Almighty God. That transformed his outlook.

CS Yet, you told Barak that a woman would get credit for
the victory, not

him. Wasn't that a divine punishment for his weak

Deborah It was more prophecy than punishment. God had revealed to
me that

Jael, the wife of Heber, would be the person who
actually would execute

Sisera. But, don't forget, it was Barak's soldiers
from the tribe of

Naphtali and Zebulun who routed Sisera's troops and
forced him to flee

from the battlefield to take refuge in Jael's tent.

CS Deborah, what was your highest "holy ground" encounter
with God . . .

the most significant spiritual experience of your

Deborah As you know, I served as Israel's judge for forty years.
Many mothers

named their daughters after me, because Deborah
means "honeybee."

They sang about my "stinging" our enemies and
providing "honey"

for the nation.

CS Barak's name means "lightning," I think!

Deborah Yes. He struck Sisera's army like a thunderbolt!

CS So the spiritual highlight of your 40 year
administration was connected

to the battle against Sisera?

Deborah Sisera had gathered his 900 war chariots, and they
threatened to cut our

infantry to shreds. Then the Lord God spoke to me,
giving me a prophetic

message for Barak.

CS What was the message?

Deborah "Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has delivered
Sisera into your

hands. Has not the Lord gone out before you?"

CS What did you mean, "The Lord has gone out before you"?

Deborah Before Barak sounded the trumpet to charge, the Lord had
confused and

troubled Sisera. His 900 war chariots got stuck in
the mud of the flooding

Kishon River. They were "sitting ducks" for Barak's

CS It reminds me of Pharoah's chariots being trapped in
the Red Sea.

Deborah Good comparison! And, like Miriam on that occasion, I
also wrote a

song which we sang at the victory celebration.

CS What part of that song sticks in your mind?

Deborah "When leaders lead in Israel, when the people willingly
offer themselves,

bless the Lord!"

CS I recall another similar refrain: "My heart is with
the rulers of Israel who

offered themselves willingly with the people. Bless
the Lord!"

Deborah Not only were we singing praises to God, but we also were

the tribes who willingly offered troops to join
Barak's volunteers.

CS You also rebuked the tribes who refused to get

Deborah Part of a leader's responsibility is to prod slackers into

CS What does the song mean, "They fought from the
heavens; the stars from

their courses fought against Sisera"?

Deborah That's poetry! I didn't mean that the stars actually
caused the rain and

flood. God just used nature to accomplish His

CS I wondered whether the "stars" might refer to God's
angelic messengers,

as in Job 38:7?

Deborah It could be! I sang under the inspiration of the Holy

CS Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to pass

Deborah This quote from my song: "O my soul, march on in

CS What a stirring challenge to duty and honor, to
steadfastness and

endurance. What a great motto for today's Christian soldiers!

Deborah And this final word: "Let those who love God be like the
sun when it

comes out in full strength!"

All quotes are from Judges 4 and 5

Pillsbury College & Seminary

After investigation, the Pillsbury College & Seminary has added
to our present

courses the curriculum developed by the Institute of Theological Studies of
Grand Rapids,

Michigan. The Institute of Theological Studies is not a school; rather it
is the world's

leading network of distance learning theological education resources. All
ITS courses

have been developed and approved by the Deans of 24 large participating

including Covenant Theological Seminary of St. Louis, Missouri. The 58
courses (24

lectures each) were recorded by a virtual "Who's Who" of evangelical

and are available on audio cassette, CD-ROM, video, or the internet.

Over 100 Bible Colleges and Theological Seminaries use ITS

Among these schools are five Southern Baptist seminaries (Midwestern in
Kansas City,

MO, Southern in Louisville, KY, Southwestern in Ft. Worth, TX, Southeastern
in Wake

Forest, NC, and Golden Gate in Mill Valley, CA.) Pillsbury has no intention
of entering

into competition against these great theological institutions.

If you are interested in these new courses, which will lead to a
Master of Ministry

or a Doctor of Ministry Degree, contact us and we will give you more

concerning these classes.

Call Dr. Scarborough at 314.739.1121 or e-mail us at

"If we had no winter; the spring would not be so pleasant;

if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,

prosperity would not be so welcome."

- Anne Bradstreet

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