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E-pistle for April 14, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation April 14, 2006

Jonah Protests God's Call

(Jonah 1:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter

1. God called Jonah to preach repentance in Nineveh, but Jonah

that call by rebelliously boarding a ship for Tarshish, vv. 1-3.

2. The Lord sent a storm, and the sailors asked Jonah to pray for

deliverance, vv. 4-9.

3. Realizing that the storm had been sent because of his rebellion

God, Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the sea, vv. 10-16.

4. The Lord prepared a great fish who swallowed Jonah, and Jonah lived

the belly of the fish for three days, v. 17.

II. Meditation: on the spiritual truths revealed here

1. The Lord is a God of mercy, not willing that any should perish . .
. not

even the wicked nation of Assyria, which had taken Israel into

captivity in 722 B.C.; God gave Nineveh (Assyria's capital) a chance to

repent, v. 2; II Peter 3:9.

2. The Lord is "God of heaven" . . . all creation, including heaven
and earth;

He is not limited by national boundaries; neither Jonah, nor any other

person, can flee from the presence of God, v. 9; Psalm 139:7-12.

3. In times of trouble, unbelievers often turn to the people of God,

them to pray and to tell them what they can do to escape destruction,

vv. 6, 11; Acts 2:37; 16:30.

4. The Lord God "works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform" . .

God did not send an available whale, He "prepared" (created) a great

fish, v. 17; this was certified by Jesus, Matthew 12:40; Luke 11:30.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications of these

1. Since God loves everyone, so should I; God's mercy and grace should

proclaimed to all persons everywhere.

2. God is the Creator of the universe, yet He also literally is
present among us

. . . He is "omnipresent;" therefore, we should behave accordingly because

He sees and knows our thoughts, words, and deeds.

3. God's people should be ready always and immediately to pray for and

witness to the lost, I peter 3:15.

4. Before we even realize that we have a need, God already has made

provision to supply that need, Philippians 4:19.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Be a faithful witness for Jesus Christ to the lost.

2. Live in the continuing awareness of God's spiritual presence.

3. Pray for those who are in trouble and who need the Lord.

4. Thank the Lord for His providential care for me.

"Aunt Tillie's Bear Hugs"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I suppose that every kid who grew up in a large family had
an Aunt Tillie. Oh, your

aunt's name might not have been Tillie, but you know who I mean! Mine was
some distant

relative on my grandfather's side of the family, who showed up (invited or
not) at every

family reunion or funeral. And, just so we wouldn't hurt her tender
feelings, my mother

always made me wear that sissy cowboy shirt Aunt Tillie sent me for my
birthday. It

was a pink and purple, tender-foot-dude silky blouse with the pearl buttons,
which made

me look like Dale Evans' hair-dresser!

Aunt Tillie was what you'd call voluptuous, I think. Is that
25-cent word related

to voluminous? Anyway, there was a whole lot of Aunt Tillie! And whenever
she spotted

me in the crowd of relatives, she'd rush over to engulf me in her arms. The

combination of her super-abundant poundage and over-powering perfume
literally took

my breath away. Then, when Aunt Tillie finally released me from her
affectionate bear

hug, she'd pinch me on both cheeks . . . hard! OUCH!

It was a day of great celebration (and profound relief) when I
finally outgrew

Aunt Tillie's cowboy shirt . . . and her embarrassing embraces!
Unfortunately, I never

did out-grow her cheek pinches. I swear that to this very day, my rosy
cheeks are the

visible result of those up-close-and-personal encounters with Aunt Tillie.

Solomon was so right when he wrote: "There is . . . a time to
embrace, and a time

to refrain from embracing." (Ecclesiastes 3:5) To embrace means to clasp
in the arms, to

press to one's bosom . . . in other words, to hug. Embracing is a physical
expression of

love, acceptance, welcome, and friendship.

Elisha prophesied that a childless woman soon would embrace her

son (II Kings 4:16), and Solomon's Song speaks often about lovers embracing.
Jacob was

involved in much embracing . . . with Laban, with Esau, with Joseph's two

(Genesis 29:13; 33:4; 48:10)

In Acts 20, the Apostle Paul embraced the disciples (v. 1), and
later he embraced

and restored to life the young man, Eutychus, who had fallen from a window
to his

death (v. 10). Paul advised married couples to refrain from embracing by
mutual consent

for a time of fasting and prayer. (I Corinthians 7:5)

To embrace also means to accept, to receive to one's heart.
Solomon advised

his readers to embrace wisdom. (Proverbs 4:8) The writer of Hebrews wrote

persons of faith who had embraced the promises of God. (Hebrews 11:13)

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to embrace other people with arms

of loving acceptance, and help me to
embrace with

steadfast faith Your precious

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