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E-pistle for April 15, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation April 15, 2005

In This Issue:

Holy Ground Interview - Nathaniel

Theology Track at Pillsbury


Featuring today's special guest: NATHANIEL

CS Nathaniel, it has been reported that you were deeply

prejudiced against all citizens of Nazareth, the

of Jesus. Why did you sneeringly ask Philip, "Can

good come out of Nazareth?"

Nathaniel That was just an expression . . . a figure of speech. In

days, there was a great rivalry between the northern

towns of Nazareth, Bethsaida (Philip's home), and my

of Cana.

CS So, your snide remark wasn't personal?

Nathaniel Of course not, although Nazareth was, in fact, just a
dusty one-

well oasis on the caravan trail between Syria and Egypt.

CS A lot of disreputable horse-traders passed through

Nathaniel And lived there!

CS Speaking of horse-traders, your best friend, Philip,
was in that

business, wasn't he?

Nathaniel Yes he was, until the Master called him. In fact,
Philip's given

name means, "Horse-lover."

CS Really? And what does your name mean?

Nathaniel Which one? Most people called me Bartholomew, which

means, "Son of Tolmai" . . . my father's name. But
I actually

prefer Nathaniel, meaning "Gift of God." That's
what my mother

called me.

CS You were one of the original disciples, I think.

Nathaniel Yes. First there were Andrew and Simon Peter, then James

John. Next Jesus called my buddy, Philip, and
Philip looked me up,

Exclaiming, "We have found the One whom Moses wrote

CS He meant the Messiah?

Nathaniel That's right. But when Philip said that He was from
Nazareth, I

doubted it.

CS Because the Messiah was prophesied to come from

Nathaniel No, because men from Nazareth were notorious . . .

CS So, you were prejudiced?

Nathaniel At first, perhaps. But I soon got over it when I met
Jesus face to


CS Was that encounter your highest spiritual experience .
. . your

"Holy Ground" encounter with God, to use an
expression from Moses?

Nathaniel I had several marvelous adventures with the Master, but
that first,

up-close-and-personal experience surely stands out.

CS Tell us what happened.

Nathaniel As soon as I walked up to Jesus, He said, "You are an

without any deceit in you."

CS That's a surprising comment.

Nathaniel It was shocking! How did He know my personality? He'd
never met

me before, yet He nailed me as a guy who is
straightforward, frank,

and honest . . . nobody ever wonders what I think,
I don't play games!

CS So, how did you respond to Jesus' greeting?

Nathaniel I demanded to know how he knew me.

CS What did He say?

Nathaniel He said,"Before Philip called you, while you were under
that fig tree,

I saw you."

CS What were you doing under the fig tree? Making a
deal? Courting a

woman? Cursing the Romans?

Nathaniel That's the most shocking part! I had been meditating on
the purpose

of my life . . . what was it all about? My wedding
was set for the

following week, and I had been praying for God to
send the Messiah

to deliver our nation from Roman oppression.

CS So, your prayer was answered immediately!

Nathaniel Yes! When I met Jesus, God revealed to my heart that He
was the

One we'd been longing for . . . The Son of God . . .
The King of Israel!

CS That was an amazing confession. And almost three
years before

Peter's great confession at Caesarea Philippi.

Nathaniel Simon was not the most spiritually perceptive apostle in
the bunch.

But eventually, we all recognized the Master for who
He truly was.

CS Did Jesus commend you for your insight and

Nathaniel He asked me, "Do you believe in Me just because I saw you

the fig tree? You'll see greater things than that."

Cs Essentially; "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Nathaniel Exactly. Then He said that I'd see angels all around Him

CS In heaven?

Nathaniel Well, yes. But I also saw angels ministering to Him in
the Garden of

Gethsemane . . . and at His ascension.

CS So, you became a permanent part of the Lord's band?

Nathaniel Not immediately. Three days after that first meeting with
him, I

married my sweetheart in our hometown of Cana.

CS Wait a minute! The "water into wine" miracle was at
your home?

Nathaniel Yes. I'd invited Jesus and His mother, and several of His
followers at

the last minute. We had so many unplanned-for
guests, we ran out of

wine. It was embarrassing!

CS But the Lord prevented the party from being ruined.

Nathaniel It was His first miraculous work . . . a confirming "sign"
that He indeed

was the Son of God, just as I'd said.

CS Do you have any words of wisdom to pass along to our

Nathaniel One obvious point is that the Lord sees us wherever we
are, and He

knows our thoughts.

CS That's a scary and humbling reality!

Nathaniel Here's an encouraging lesson I also learned. Invite Jesus
into your home;

then do whatever He asks. He'll take care of
supplying all your needs . . .

and the future will be far better than the present!

CS Thank you, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel Who knows, Curt, maybe someday you'll also be privileged
to see angels

"ascending and descending on the Son of Man."

Institute of Theological Studies

After more than a year of investigation of Christian higher educational
resources, the administration, faculty, and Board of Regents of Pillsbury
College & Seminary decided to add to our present courses the curriculum
developed by the Institute of Theological Studies of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We have studied and are in full agreement with the ITS Statement of Faith,
and with its Vision, Mission, and Purpose Statements.

The Institute of Theological Studies is not a school; rather it is the
world's leading network of distance learning theological education
resources. ITS courses meet the highest graduate level requirements of
theological education, and all ITS courses have been developed and approved
by the Dean of 24 large participating schools, including Covenant
Theological Seminary of St. Louis, Missouri, The 58 courses (24 lectures
each) were recorded by a virtual "Who's Who" of evangelical theologians, and
are available on audio cassette, CD-ROM, video, or the internet.

Over 100 Bible Colleges and Theological Seminaries use ITS curriculum.
Among these schools are five Southern Baptist seminaries (Midwestern in
Kansas City, MO, Southern in Louisville, KY, Southwestern in Ft. Worth, TX,
Southeastern in Wake Forest, NC, and Golden Gate in Mill Valley, CA,)
Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA, Wheaton Graduate School in
Wheaton, IL, and many other very prominent schools also use ITS curriculum.
Pillsbury has no intention of entering into competition against these great
theological institutions.

However, these 100 colleges and seminaries that endorse and use ITS
curriculum primarily are on-campus schools which allow students to take only
a few select ITS courses by distance learning. Pillsbury will stand
uniquely as a degree granting institution that offers all 58 ITS courses in
six areas of concentration by distance learning, leading to an accredited
Master of Ministry of Doctor of Ministry Degree.

For more information call Dr. Scarborough at 314-739-1121 or email

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