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E-pistle for April 17, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation          Dr. Curt Scarborough          April 17, 2015



why did jesus perform miracles?

(Mark 2:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Jesus forgave and healed a paralytic man, demonstrating His power in the

                 spiritual and physical realms, vv. 1-12.

            2.  Jesus called Matthew, the tax collector; He stated His mission:  "I did not

                 come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance," vv. 13-17.

            3.  Jesus answered questions about fasting; He taught that not putting a new

                 patch of an old garment and about not putting new wine into old wineskins,

                 vv. 18-22.

            4.  Jesus taught the true meaning of the Sabbath, stating that He is Lord of the

                 Sabbath, vv. 23-28.

II.  Meditation:  on the reasons that Jesus performed miracles

            1.  He performed miracles to attract a crowd of people to hear His words of

                 truth and salvation.

            2.  He performed miracles of healing to bring relief from pain and suffering by

                 people He loved; He performed miracles to meet the physical needs of people

                 (feeding 5,000 and 4,000), allowing the Twelve to assist Him.

            3.  He performed miracles to illustrate His omnipotent power . . . calming the

                 Sea of Galilee; He performed miracles to demonstrate His victory over the

                 demonic powers of Satan (Gadarene demoniac).

            4.  He performed miracles to prove His spiritual authority to forgive sins (text);

                 He performed miracles to teach the Twelve important spiritual lessons on

                 faith (cursed fig tree).

III.  Revelation:  Jesus . . . the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)

            1.  He still does miracles to attract the attention of unbelievers.

            2.  He still does miracles because He loves and desires to help hurting people;

                 to meet their needs.

            3.  He still does miracles to show His power over Satan.

            4.  He still does miracles (including salvation, cleansing, forgiveness and

                 empowering) to teach us His ways and to mature us as His followers.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Look for and recognize His hand at work in the circumstances of my life.

            2.  Participate with Him in helping hurting people whom He loves.

            3.  Stand in Jesus' name against the powers of Satan in my life, in my church,

                 in my community, in my nation, and in the world.

            4.  Receive from Him forgiveness, cleaning, and filling with the Holy Spirit to

                enable me to follow Him and to become more like Him.





faith and/or works

(James 2:14-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on faith without works

            1.  Mere profession of faith (saying you have it) is not profitable, vv. 14, 16.

            2.  Mere confession that one has faith cannot save that person, vv. 14, 24.

            3.  Mere mouthing of pious platitudes and good wishes does not benefit

                 either the speaker or the one in need, vv. 15-16.

            4.  Mere profession (or confession) of faith, by itself (without an inward change

                which produces an outward expression of good works) is dead, just as the

                 body without the spirit is dead, vv. 17, 20, 26.

II.  Meditation:  on identifying "TRUE" faith

            1.  True faith results in good works, v. 18.

            2.  True faith is proven by good works, v. 18.

            3.  True faith involves more than mere intellectual assent . . . the demons believe

                 in God, and tremble, v. 19.

            4.  True faith always operates in conjunction with good works, and good works

                 reveal that faith is perfect . . . spiritually alive and growing.

                 Note James's illustration of true faith:  Abraham and Rahab, vv. 21-25.

III.  Revelation:  on the principles of faith and works

            1.  It is impossible to show (verify; prove) one's faith without some sort of visible

                 activity (works), v. 18.

            2.  Good works done to honor and glorify the Lord, therefore, are visible evidence

                 of one's inner genuine faith, v. 18.

            3.  Abraham's faith was proven when he obeyed God and started to sacrifice Isaac;

                 Abraham believed God could resurrect Isaac (Hebrews 11:17-19); this faith was

                 accounted to Abraham for righteousness. 

                 True saving faith believes in God's resurrection power, His ability to bring

                 dead persons, dreams, hopes, and aspirations back to life, Romans 10:9.

            4.  Person's who have true faith; resulting in obedient good works, are called

                 "Friends of God," v. 23.   See John 15:14

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Make sure that my confession of faith is more than mere lip-service . . . that it

                 produces God-honoring good works.

            2.  Grow daily in faith . . . which itself is one of God's gifts, Ephesians 2:8.

            3.  Serve God faithfully by obeying His word . . . thereby demonstrating the sincerity

                 and genuineness of my faith.

            4.  Rejoice in my special relationship as a "FRIEND OF GOD."


Faith without works is hypocrisy; works without faith also is hypocrisy!

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