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E-pistle for April 20, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            April 20, 2012


Our lord is above all gods

(Psalm 135:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the main themes of this Psalm

            1.  Praise the name of the Lord, vv. 1-4.

            2.  The Lord is above all gods, vv. 5-12.

            3.  God's name endures forever, vv. 13-14.

            4.  Heathen idols are false gods, vv. 15-18.

            5.  Bless the Lord, vv. 19-21.

II.  Meditation:  on praising the Lord

            1.  His servants, who stand in His house, are to praise Him, vv. 1-2.

            2.  They are to sing praises to His pleasant name because He is good, v. 3.

            3.  They are to praise the Lord because He has chosen His people as His special

                 treasure, v. 4.

            4.  They are to praise the Lord because He is eternal . . . "endures forever" . . .

                 throughout all generations, v. 13. 

            5.  They are to praise God for His compassion which He bestows upon His people

                 on the day of judgment, v. 13.

III.  Revelation:  on the Lord's triumph over false gods

            1.  The Lord is the Creator of the universe; false gods are nothing, vv. 5-7.

            2.  The Lord sends signs and wonders to demonstrate His power over impotent false

                 gods, vv. 8-9.

            3.  The Lord defeats the nations which worship false (heathen) gods, and He gives

                 their lands as a heritage to his people, vv. 10-12.

            4.  The Lord God is alive (seeing, hearing, and speaking); heathen idols have no life

                 at all, vv. 15-18.

            5.  The Lord God is to be blessed by those who fear and reverence Him; unbelievers

                 who worship false gods become like them:  helpless and hopeless, vv. 18-21.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Praise the Lord, for He lives and endures forever.

            2.  Thank the Lord, for He is good . . . bestowing blessings upon His people as their

                 spiritual inheritance.

            3.  Worship the Lord, for He is the Almighty Creator of the universe.

            4.  Serve the Lord, for He has chosen us as His special people.

            5.  Sing to the Lord, for He makes us victorious over all our enemies.



His mercy endures forever

(Psalm 136:1-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on God's mercy and man's thanksgiving

            1.  "For His mercy endures forever," recurs as a refrain in all 26 verses of this Psalm.

            2.  "Oh, give thanks to the Lord" occurs in verses 1-3, and in verse 26.

(Thanksgiving should be the beginning and the ending of our song of praise unto the Lord.)

II.  Meditation:  on the expressions used in worshipping God

            1.  He is good, v 1; Matthew 17:19.

            2.  He is the God of gods, v. 2; II Chronicles 2:5.

            3.  He is the Lord of lords, v. 3; Revelation 19:16.

            4.  He is the Creator of the universe, vv. 4-9; Hebrews 11:3.

III.  Revelation:  on the examples illustrating God's mercy

            1.  God delivered His chosen people from Egyptian bondage and slavery, vv. 10-16.

            2.  God gave His chosen people victory over powerful enemies, vv. 17-20.

            3.  God gave His chosen people the Promised Land (Canaan) as their inheritance, vv. 21-22.

            4.  God provided for all the needs of His chosen people, vv. 23-26.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Repeatedly and continuously reflect upon God's mercy and grace which He extends toward

                 me.  (Mercy is God's taking away the deserved punishment for my sinful guild; grace is God's

                 un deserved gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life.  God's mercy takes away death; God's

                 grace gives life.)

            2.  Thank the Lord for salvation through Christ . . . delivering me from the bondage of sin.

            3.  Thank the Lord for His strength and courage which brings to me, through the Holy Spirit's

                 power, victory over my spiritual enemies.

            4.  Thank the Lord for supplying all my needs in the present, and for me a "Promised Land"

                 (heaven) in the future.


"Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing."



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