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E-pistle for April 28, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation April 28, 2006

Jonah Preaches God's Message

(Jonah 3:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter

1. Jonah's call from the Lord to preach to Nineveh was issued a second

vv. 1-2.

2. Jonah obeyed, entered Nineveh, and began to preach: "Yet forty
days, and

Nineveh shall be overthrown," vv. 3-4.

3. The people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast; the king

a proclamation calling the nation to repentance, vv. 5-9.

4. God saw their repentance and withheld His judgment
from falling upon

them, v. 10.

II. Meditation: on how God deals with sinful mankind

1. God sends His messenger to preach a message of coming judgment

because of sin and to call for repentance.

2. The people hear the message and believe that it is a true message

God and that He will do what He says.

3. The people repent in godly sorrow and turn from their wicked
practices . . .

in this case, the particular sin most prevalent in Assyria was "violence,"
v. 8.

4. God sees sincere repentance of their hearts, and in mercy He

rather than administering the just punishment which is deserved.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications seen here

1. Before the Lord punishes sin, He gives warnings.

2. The proper response is faith . . . believing that there is a God
and that what

He says, He will do.

3. Repentance . . . a change of the mind which results in a change of
the heart

and of the conduct . . . is the necessary companion of faith.

4. When God sees true repentance and sincere faith in a person, He

mercy (taking away the deserved penalty of a guilty sinner) and grace

(giving the undeserved blessing of forgiveness and cleansing).

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Listen to the Holy Spirit, Who convicts me of my sins.

2. Live and walk daily by faith in the Living God.

3. Remain in a constant state of repentance, confessing and forsaking

sins as soon as the Holy Spirit convicts me.

4. Receive with praise and thanksgiving God's twin gifts of mercy and

extended to me through His Son, Jesus Christ.

"Rock of Gibraltar"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Few people know this, but the genuine Rock of Gibraltar is
located in a

backyard of a house in Benton, Illinois. Before Prudential even had a clue,

Scarboroughs owned "a piece of the rock" . . . in fact, the entire rock.

boulder at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea is an impostor!

At first, we had no idea how gigantic that rock on McLeansboro

was. Its peak peeked out of the ground only a few inches, and it was about

inches across. Mother wanted the rock removed because she wanted her rose

trellis there. So I got the job of rooting it out, but the more I dug
around it, the

bigger it got. The stone became a rock, then a boulder, then a ledge . . .

after a couple of weeks of excavation work, I was convinced that we had

uncovered the top of a pyramid. No wonder southern Illinois was nick-named

"Little Egypt."

Uncle Joe ripped the drive shaft our of his Ford truck trying to
move it,

but Gibraltar wouldn't budge! Uncle John's team of blue-nosed mules didn't

any luck either. Finally Dad and Grandpa decided we needed to blast, so

planted a couple of sticks of dynamite next to the rock and lit the fuse.

in the neighborhood ran for cover, and the explosion registered a 5.5 on the

Richter Scale in the Franklin County Seismology Department.

The rock, however, just got scorched a little, but we now owned
a nice

sized swimming hole. So Mom changed her planes about the rose trellis. To

day, old Gibraltar stands tall, jutting an estimated 1,400 feet into the air
on the west

side of Mother's lily pond in Benton.

King Solomon wrote: "There is . . . a time to cast away stones,
and a time

to gather stones together." (Ecclesiastes 3:5) In ancient times, invading

would throw rocks on enemy land to prevent cultivation of crops and to stop

their wells. (II Kings 3:25) Gathered stones, by contrast, were used to
build altars

and memorial pillars. (Exodus 20:25; Joshua 4:5-7) Houses and fences and

walls also were constructed from stones gathered from the rocky terrain.

Stones play a significant role in the Bible: David killed
Goliath with a

stone (I Samuel 7:12), and Christ built His church on a rock (Matthew
16:18). Jesus

(the rejected stone, Matthew 21:42) spoke about the stones crying out in

to God (Luke 19:40), and John wrote about believers being given a white

with a new name engraved on it (Revelation 2:17).

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, You are able to bless us by bringing even the

stones of the field into league with
your people,

establish our lives upon the Solid
Rock of Jesus Christ

and His teachings.

(Job 5:23; Matthew 7:24-27; I Corinthians 3:11)

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