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E-pistle for April 4, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                               Dr. Dan Hite, President                 FreeWay Foundation              April 4, 2008

God's Faithful Remnant

(Zephaniah 3:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   The prophet denounced the wickedness of Jerusalem's leaders, vv. 1-7.

        2.   He promised God's salvation for a faithful remnant, vv. 8-13.

        3.   He gave the nation a song of joy celebrating God's faithfulness, similar in       

              style to Psalms 47, 95, and 97, vv. 14-17.

4.      He closed his prophesy with words of hope for a blessed future, spoken  in

        the First Person by the Lord God Himself, vv. 18-20.

II.  Meditation:  on God's indictment of Judah's sins

1.      The nation's wickedness ("the oppressing city"), vv. 1-2 . . .
(1)     She has not obeyed God's voice,
(2)     She has not received correction,
(3)     She has not trusted in the Lord, and
(4)     She has not drawn near to her God.
2.      The leaders' wickedness, vv. 3-4 . . .
(1)     Princes are like roaring lions, predators seeking prey,
(2)     Judges are like evening wolves, hunting under cover of darkness,
(3)     Prophets are insolent and treacherous, betraying their trust, and
(4)     Priests profane the temple, corrupting God's laws.

III.  Revelation:  on "God's faithful remnant"

        "Remnant" = a fragment of cloth; a scrap or residue.  Scripturally, "remnant"

        refers to the righteous people of God who remain after divine judgment.

1.      "God's faithful remnant" will worship Him in a "pure language," . . . a reversal

        of Babel (Genesis 11:6-9); they will serve Him with "one accord," . . . a picture

        of the believers in Acts, v. 9.

2.      "God's faithful remnant" will be "meek and humble people, and they shall      

        trust in the name of the Lord," v. 12.

3.      "God's faithful remnant" will be righteous, truthful, well provided for, and safe

        and secure, v. 13.

4.      "God's faithful remnant" refers to the Jewish exiles returning from captivity,

        but in a broader sense, it also refers to the church.

        "Remnant" especially is applied by Paul to Jews who were part of the

        church, as well as to those Messianic Jews who will fulfill God's

        end-times prophesies and covenant promises to Israel, Romans 9:27; 11:5.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Worship God with "pure language" and in "one accord."
2.      Trust in the Lord, and walk in meekness and humility with Him.
3.      Thank the Lord for His manifold blessings:  righteousness, truth, provision,

        and salvation.

4.      Rejoice in my position as one of "God's faithful remnant" and, therefore,

        an heir to the promises to God's chosen people through Abraham,

        Galatians 3:7-16, 26-29.

Stir Up The Gift Of God

(II Timothy 1:3-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the historical background of Paul and Timothy

        1.   Timothy was saved by faith in Christ, II Timothy 1:5.

        2.   This new birth experience was associated with his godly mother and

              grandmother, probably he was saved as a young man, II Timothy 1:5.

3.      Later Timothy, as a young disciple, met Paul in Lystra and joined him on

        his second missionary journey, Acts 16:1-3.

4.      Some years later, Paul appointed Timothy as the pastor of the church at

        Ephesus, I Timothy 1:3; this ordination may have been the same occasion

        when Paul imparted the "GIFT" to Timothy, II Timothy 1:6.

II.  Meditation:  on the Promise and the Gift of the Holy Spirit

1.      The Promise:
(1)     Luke 24:49, "Behold, I send the PROMISE of my Father upon you;

            but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are ENDUED WITH

            POWER FROM ON HIGH."

(2)     Acts 1:4-5, "He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but

            wait for the PROMISE of the Father, 'which' He said, 'you have

            heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall

            be BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT not many days from now.'"

(3)     Acts 2:32-33, "This Jesus, God has raised up, of which we all are

            witnesses.  Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and

            having received from the Father the PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT,

            He poured out this which you now see and hear."

(4)     Acts 2:38-39, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name

            of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive THE

            GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  For the PROMISE is to you and to your

            children, and to all who are afar off, as many as our God will call."

        2.  The Gift:

                (1)   Luke 11:13, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good GIFTS to

                       your children, how much more will your heavenly Father GIVE THE

             HOLY SPIRIT to those who ask him!"

(2)     Acts 2:38, "Repent, and every one of you be baptized in the name of

            Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the GIFT

            OF THE HOLY SPIRIT."

(3)     Acts 10:45, "Those of the circumcision who believed were astonished,

          as many as came with Peter, because the GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

          had been poured out on the Gentiles also."

(4)     Acts 11:17, "If therefore God gave them the same GIFT as He gave us

          when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could

          withstand God?"

III.  Revelation:  on the impartation of the Gift of the Holy Spirit

1.      Timothy received the Gift from Paul, II Timothy 1:6; Timothy's Gift had been given by

      prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership (including Paul), I Timothy 4:14.

2.      Paul had received the Gift from Ananias, Acts 9:17.
3.      Ananias (probably) had received the Gift from Jesus Christ on the Day of Pentecost,

        Acts 2:1-11, 33, 39-41.

4.      Jesus had received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father, Acts 2:33.
(1)     The Father is the Son, John 10:30; 14:9; 17:22.
(2)     The Son is the Spirit, John 14:17; Romans 8:9.
(3)     The Spirit is the Father, John 4:24; II Corinthians 3:17.
(4)     All three Persons of the Trinity are One, I John 5:7.

IV.  Application:  as a Spirit-filled Christian, I can expect these Gift endowments . . .

1.      Courage (not a spirit of fear), vv. 7-8; Gift of divine boldness to witness.
2.      Power, vv. 7, 9-10; Gift of divine faith in God to more mountains.
3.      Love, vv. 7, 13; Gift of divine love for God and for other people.
4.      Widom (sound mind), vv. 7, 13; Gift of divine spiritual discernment.

(Compare these II Timothy 1:7-14 spiritual attributes with Isaiah 11:2.)

When Stress Turns To Distress

by:  Harvey Mackay

        Stress pops up even at the best of times, making them the worst of times. 

These days, who doesn't need a little stress relief?  We all seem to be hurrying

some place important most of the time.  The Center for Spirituality & Healing

at the University of Minnesota, offers these 10 stress-busting tips:

1.      Be completely present for whatever you are doing.
2.      Include something you consider beautiful in your life on a daily

        basis.  For example, fresh flowers.

3.      As often as possible, participate in activities you enjoy.
4.      Keep your pace relaxed – that includes walking, working, and eating.
5.      Take a break after meals to relax.
6.      If possible, go outside once a day and enjoy the simple things in life --

        the scenery, the weather, etc.

7.      Take notice of the tension in your body during the day.  Breathe deeply

        and gently stretch any area that feels tense.

8.      When you catch your mind racing and worrying, breathe deeply and

        gently shift your focus to something in the moment.

9.      Wear comfortable, loose clothing whenever possible.
10.     Don't hold your feelings in day after day.  Find a safe place where you

        can express and embrace them.

        Dealing with your stress is central to your well-being, both on the job and

        after hours.

Mackay's Moral:  Stress often gives a little thing a big shadow.

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