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E-pistle for April 4, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            April 4, 2014


"o watcher of men"

(Job 7:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Job switched his remarks from responding to his friend, Eliphaz,

     to addressing the Lord God and complaining about His cruel

     persecution; Job lamented how hard were the days, how frustrating

     the months, how wearisome the nights, how painful and futile his

     attempts to find rest, vv. 1-5.

2.  Then Job complained about the brevity of life and the fact that

                 his days on earth would soon end, vv. 6-10. 

            3.  For these reasons, Job exclaimed:  "I will not restrain my mouth; I

                 will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness

                 of my soul," (v. 11) . . . Job continued to harangue the Lord about

                 His alleged mistreatment (including frightening him with nightmares)

                 and he begged Him to go away and let him die in peace, vv. 11-16.

            4.  Job closed His remarks by asking God:  "Why are You bothering me?

                 What have I done to You, O Watcher of Men?  Why don't You forgive

                 me and let me die?"  (paraphrased), vv. 17-21.

II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual implications seen in Job's complaint

            1.  Time is a relative thing:  the hours drag by when one is suffering, yet

                 the days of life fly by "swifter than a weaver's shuttle," vv. 4, 6.

            2.  God knows and watches each individual every moment, vv. 17-18.

            3.  God is awesome, frightening and terrifying; He is to be approached

                 and worshipped with an attitude of reverence.

            4.  Since God knows the thoughts of a man's heart, believers should be

                 Honest in expressing their pain, anger, frustration, fears, and doubts

                 to Him.

III.  Revelation:  on the truths of verses 17-18

"What is man, that You should EXALT him, that You should SET YOUR HEART

on him, that You should VISIT him every morning, and TEST him every moment?"

            1.  God has exalted man . . . creating him in His own image, making him a

                 little lower than the angels, and crowning him with glory and honor;

                 Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:5.

            2.  God has "set His heart" on man . . . God loves and treasurers us, John 3:16.

            3.  God, in the person of His Son, left heaven and came to earth to dwell with,

                 identify with, and die for man, John 1:14; Philippians 2:5-8.

            4.  God will examine the deeds of His children, Romans 14:10, 12.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  "Redeem" the time . . . make the most of every opportunity, Ephesians 5:16.

            2.  Live in constant awareness of the presence of the "Watcher of Men."

            3.  Reverently serve the Lord, thankful that he exalts me, loves me, abides with

                 me, and tests my faithfulness.

            4.  Be honest and forthright in my heart-felt prayers to Him.




Jesus "rest" is the best

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  (Observations)

            1.  These verses immediately follow Jesus' prayer of thanksgiving that the

                 Father had revealed Himself to "babes" . . . the disciples, 25-26.

            2.  Jesus claimed that the Father had delivered all things into His hands  . . .

                 He was in full control of everything, 27.

            3.  Jesus taught that no one knows the Son except the Father, 27.

            4.  Jesus also stated here that no one can know the Father except the Son

                 and those to whom the Son has revealed the Father.  (see John 14:9)

II.  Meditation:

            1.  Jesus invited physically tired and spiritually weary (sin-burdened) people

                 to Himself, 28.

            2.  To those who come, He GIVES rest, 28.

            3.  Jesus next invites them to learn from (and about) Him, 29.

            4.  Those who "take His yoke" and learn of Him FIND rest for their souls, 29.

III.  Revelation:

            1.  The first "REST" represents our salvation . . . a free gift.

            2.  This offer is saving grace resulting in spiritual peace with God.

            3.  The second "REST" represents sanctification . . . a process of spiritual

                 growth toward Christ-like maturity.  (II Peter 3:18)

            4.  This second invitation is to make a discovery through studying with Jesus

                 and about Jesus.

IV.  Applications:  As a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  "REST" in then assurance of my salvation, which is a gift from almighty

                 God.  (Ephesians 2:8-9)

            2.  Know that Jesus' presence with me brings true peace.  (Mark 4:37-41)

            3.  Learn more about Jesus, through the revelation ministry of the Holy Spirit,

                 so that I may grow in spiritual stature . . . to be like Him.  (Ephesians 4:13)

            4.  Perceive Jesus' "REST" as both a GIFT and a DISCOVERY.  He is the

                 "Author and Finisher of my faith,"  Hebrews 12:2. 

                 Praise and thank Him!



--Sir Francis de Sales


Have patience with all things but first with yourself. 

Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a

human being. 

You're a perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile

person simply because you exist.  And no

amount of triumphs or tribulations can every

change that.

Unconditional self-acceptance is the core of a

peaceful mind.



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