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E-pistle for April 7, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation April 7, 2006

Jonah Prays for God's Help

(Jonah 2:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the elements of Jonah's prayer

1. Jonah acknowledged that his predicament (being in the belly of the

great fish) was caused by his own sin, which had brought God's

judgment upon him. vv. 1-3.

2. Jonah, even though he had been "cast out of God's sight," looked

toward God's holy temple . . . turned toward the only possible source

of help, vv. 4, 7.

3. Jonah recognized his hopeless and desperate situation of certain

doom, and destruction without divine help, vv. 5-6.

4. Jonah renounced "worthless idols" and vowed to serve God

to You") in obedience, realizing that he had only one hope: "Salvation

is of the Lord," vv. 8-9.

II. Meditation: on the theological truths of this chapter

1. God always hears when His people cry out to Him, and He always

their prayers . . . yes, no, or wait, v. 2.

2. There is life after death . . . Sheol (the grave or the place where
the soul

abides after death away from the presence of God) is mentioned by

Jesus as the tomb where He was buried for three days before His

resurrection, vv. 2, 6; Matthew 12:40.

3. God brings His people through times of trouble and danger; He keeps

preserves them so that they may accomplish His purposed destiny in

their lives, v. 10.

4. The Lord is a God of mercy, Who deserves our thanksgiving, praise,

obedience, and service, v. 9.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications seen here

1. God's people should pray; often "we do not have because we do not

James 4:2.

2. Every individual lives eternally . . . either in heaven or in
hell; each person

makes that personal choice by either accepting or rejecting God's offer

of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

3. God may not remove the obstacles or troubles from our lives, but He

always gives us grace and strength to sustain us through those difficulties.

4. God is worthy of our worship and sacrificial service.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Pray without ceasing, I Thessalonians 5:17.

2. Live daily in the light of eternity, Ecclesiastes 3:11.

3. Trust in the Lord with all my heart, Proverbs 3:5.

4. Worship the Lord and serve Him only, Matthew 4:10.

"Eye of the Beholder"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

"He makes everything beautiful in its time," wrote wise King Solomon.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

'Do you think Jane Russell is pretty?" I asked my Dad as we exited from

"The Outlaw" at the movie matinee in town. After much begging, he had
agreed to

take me to see that western classic about Billy the Kid. For some reason,

had forbidden either of us from seeing that notorious film. So we had

off to see it while we were supposed to be gathering wild mushrooms.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Dad replied to my question. That

answer didn't shed much light, because I knew a girl in my third grade class

Bea Holder. I had never detected any beauty in her eye . . . or anyplace
else on her

anatomy. In fact, you couldn't even see Bea's eyes through the Coke-bottle

lenses on her glasses.

In my opinion, Miss Holder had put the ugh in ugly!! When some kind-hearted

classmate reminded me that "Beauty is only skin deep," I suggested: "Then,

let's skin her!" No handsome prince in the world could have been paid

money to kiss that "Sleeping Beauty!" No-sir-eee-Bob! "Beautiful Dreamer,

Awake unto Me" would never be crooned to Bea Holder.

I would have bet cold cash on that! But I would have lost. At our recent

high school reunion, Bea out-beautified everybody in the room. Talk about

extreme makeover! Jaws dropped open, and false teeth fell to the floor!

appropriate that the disk-jockey played "She must have been a beautiful

'cause, baby, look at her now!" when Bea made her grand entrance.

In the Bible, many women are described as beautiful: Rachel, Abigail,

Esther. The Messiah, himself is called beautiful (Isaiah 4:2; 33:17), and
so is

Satan or Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:12, 17). From head to toe, body parts are

beautiful: grey hair (Proverbs 20:29) and feet (Romans 10:15).

The Scripture also lists several beautiful places: Jerusalem, its gates,
and temple;

(Psalm 48:2; Acts 3:2, 10; Isaiah 64:11) Also, beautiful things are listed:

crowns, a flock of sheep, even an olive tree (Isaiah 52:1; Ezekiel 16:12;

Jeremiah 13:20; Hosea 14;6).

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