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E-pistle for April 9, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation April 9, 2004

This second quarter we will continue with "Personal & Practical" studies on Genesis 26-38 in the Old Testament
and Matthew 14-26 in the New Testament. I plan to continue these book studies for the next several months.
In This Issue:
"Isaac Blesses His Sons"
"The Blind Leading The Blind"
PIAC Tuition & Classes
Isaac Blesses His Sons
(Genesis 27:1-46)
I. Concentration: on Isaac's plan and Rebekah's counter-scheme
1. Blind Isaac, sensing his imminent death, asked Esau to hunt game and prepare
his favorite meal before receiving his father's blessing, vv. 1-4.
2. Rebekah overheard Isaac's plan and schemed with her favorite son, Jacob, to deceive
the father, Isaac, and to receive the blessing (inheritance) intended for Esau, vv. 5-10.
3. Rebekah took full responsibility for the deception . . . perhaps believing that she was
accomplishing God's will, vv. 11-17.
4. Isaac was suspicious that the son who brought his food was Jacob rather than Esau,
but he proceeded with the Esau blessing, vv. 18-29.
II. Meditation: on how Old Testament blessings worked
1. Blessings were to be pronounced by faith, as Isaac did, Hebrews 11:20.
2. Once spoken, blessings (or curses) could not be recalled . . . the words took on a permanent
life of their own, vv. 33-37.
3. Traditionally, the elder son received a double portion of the father's inheritance and became the
head of the family . . . including assuming the office of the spiritual leader (priest) of the family.
4. Genuine blessings must proceed from a spiritually perceptive person; although Isaac was old and
blind, he was not insensitive to the spiritual conditions of Jacob and Esau . . . his blessings
revealed that he knew their true character.
III. Revelation: on the blessings which Isaac intended for each son to receive
1. Isaac's original blessing to Esau (Jacob in disguise) was entirely involved with the physical realm:
material prosperity and earthly dominion over the family and other nations, vv. 27-29.
2. Isaac's later blessings to Esau included some material prosperity, yet with a prediction of a
life of violence, oppression, and rebellion, vv. 39-40.
3. In neither of Isaac's blessings (in Genesis 27) did he mention the spiritual blessing of Abraham
. . . because he knew that Esau was a profane person (Hebrews 12:16) and that Jacob was the
one through whom the spiritual blessings would flow to benefit all the earth
4. Only when Isaac was absolutely sure that he was talking to Jacob did he give the spiritual
blessing of the Abrahamic covenant, Genesis 28:1-4.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Realize that God will accomplish His will without my deceitful schemes.
2. Be careful of the words I speak, for they can never be retracted, Matthew 12:36; Numbers
23:11-12, 25-26.
3. Pronounce blessings upon my children . . . the only act of faith for which Isaac was commended
in Hebrews 11.
4. Prioritize in my family and home the spiritual aspects of life above all the physical and material concerns.

The Blind Leading The Blind
(Matthew 15:1-39)
I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jesus taught that spiritual defilement comes from within, vv. 1-6, 15-20.
2. Jesus denounced the hypocritical Pharisees, vv. 7-14.
3. Jesus commended a Canaanite woman's faith and healed her daughter; He healed
a multitude of people in Galilee, vv. 21-31.
4. Jesus fed the four thousand, vv. 32-39.
II. Meditation: on Jesus' teachings about the Pharisees
1. Jesus called Pharisees "hypocrites" . . . play actors; fakes; they gave "lip service"
but their hearts were far from God, vv. 7-8.
2. Jesus said that their worship of God was meaningless (vain) and unacceptable;
He denounced them because they taught human rules in place of God's plain
commandments, v. 9.
3. Jesus taught that the true essence of spiritual religion is a matter of the heart,
not what one eats or drinks physically; the Pharisees were offended at His
words, vv. 11-12.
4. "Let them alone," Jesus said; they'll wither and die because the heavenly Father
has not planted them . . . they're not His; Jesus called them blind leaders of blind
people, and said that both would fall into the ditch, vv. 13-14.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual truths seen here
1. Man cannot fool God or disguise his true motivations; God sees man's heart,
I Samuel 16:7.
2. The Holy Spirit uses God's word as a sharp sword to stab our consciences and
to surgically remove our spiritual cancers, Hebrews 4:12.
3. We are not to uproot evil within God's spiritual garden; bad plants will wither and
die at harvest time, Matthew 13:29-30.
4. Blind leaders are double-guilty . . . for their own sins, and for the sins of others
whom they have influenced toward evil, Matthew 18:6.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Serve God with the pure motivation of love for Him and for other persons,
I Corinthians 13:1-3.
2. Allow the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sins and, through the Word, to operate
upon my soul and spirit.
3. Let God "weed" his own garden, in His good time. (HANDS OFF!)
4. Guard my influence; make my life count only for good.

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Tuition Fees for 2004
The Board of Directors of the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has established the following tuition rates, effective January 1, 2004:
Undergraduate tuition: $60 per credit hour
Graduate-level tuition: $90 per credit hour
Ph.D. in Christian Counseling Psychology (54 credit hours) - $4,860
$810 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 27 months
M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology (40 credit hours) - $3,600
$750 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 19 months
Psy.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling (42 credit hours) - $3,780
$780 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 20 months (SECOND DOCTORATE ONLY)
D.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (48 credit hours) - $4,320
$720 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 15 months
M.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880
$630 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 15 months
Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit hours) - $1,920
$570 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 9 months
Iron-clad Money-back Guarantee
* $50 registration fee will be refunded if the applicant is not accepted as a student.
* Initial payment will be refunded - no questions asked - if the student decides to withdraw
for any reason within 30 days of registration.
* $50 graduation fee will be waived for student who complete their regular tuition payments
ahead of schedule.
NOTICE: Entering students who submit a registration form for a degree program will have 60 days in which to complete the process, including the payment of the initial fee. After 60 days, the entering student who has not completed the process will be placed on inactive status, the registration form will become invalid, and the $50 registration fee will be forfeited.
These tuition fee increases are the first to be implemented since the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity was founded in 1992. However, the costs still remain substantially lower than all other comparable distance learning graduate schools because Pillsbury Institute is owned, controlled, and operated by the FreeWay Foundation.
The FreeWay Foundation is a non-profit ministry which provides "practical teaching and training for successful living." The Foundation pays the salaries and benefits of Pillsbury Institute's administration, staff, and faculty members. The Institute is housed at no charge in FreeWay Foundation's spacious modern building on a beautiful 2-acre campus in northwest St. Louis County. Since the overhead costs of the school are minimal, these substantial savings are passed along to the student in the form of lower tuition rates.


"If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more
to patient attention than to any other talent."
- Isaac Newton


Have you seen our web-site? In the future we will be sending a link to click on to go to the web-site and
there you will find a heading to click on to get the e-pistle. We feel this will be more convenient. It will
contain the same Bible studies that Dr. Scarborough has been sending via e-mail for the last 2 or 3 years.
Our web-site is

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