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E-pistle for August 15, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            August 15, 2014


God performs what is appointed for me

(Job 23:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Job expresses his desire to find God's judgment seat, where he could present

                 his case and be acquitted, vv. 1-7.

            2.  Job tells of his frustration in not being able to perceive God or understand the

                 works of His hands, vv. 8-9.

            3.  Job protests his innocence and his obedience:  "Where He has tested me, I

                 shall come forth as gold . . . I have kept His ways and not turned aside,"

                 vv. 10-12.

            4.  Job speaks of Gods immutability (unchanging nature), His omnipotence (unlimited

                 power), and His awesome presence, which strikes terror in Job's heart, vv. 13-17.

II.  Meditation:  on some key verses in this chapter

            1.  "Oh, that I knew where I might find Him!" v. 3.

            2.  "He knows the way that I take," v. 10.

            3.  "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food," v. 12.

            4.  "He performs what is appointed for me," v. 14.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these truths

            1.  Man has an innate longing for communion with God, which the Lord honors:  "You

                 will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart,"

                 Jeremiah 29:13.  (See also Matthew 7:7 and Isaiah 55:6-7.)

            2.  God know everything about everyone:  "Oh Lord, You have searched me and

                 know me.  You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my

                 thoughts afar off.  You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are

                 acquainted with all my ways.  For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold,

                 O Lord, You know it altogether,"  Psalm 139:1-4.

            3.  God's word is essential for man's spiritual nourishment and divine guidance:  "Your

                 word I have hidden in my heart, the I might no sin against You," Psalm 119:11;

                 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path," Psalm 119:105; "Man

                 shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that precedes from the mouth

                 of God," Matthew 4:4.

            4.  God has established a divine purpose for each person's life, and He actively is

                 working to accomplish that destiny:  "The Lord will perfect (complete) that which

                 concerns me," Psalm 138:8; "He who has begun a good work in you will complete

                 it," Philippians 1:6.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Seek the Lord diligently, with all my heart.

            2.  Confess my sins (agree with God's viewpoint), for He knows all about me.

            3.  Red, study, memorize, and meditate daily upon the Holy Scriptures.

            4.  Seek, find, follow, and fulfill God's destiny for my life.





Seek those things which are above

(Colossians 3:1-24)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on a believer's position in Christ

            1.  Believers have been raised with Christ to sit with Him at the place of

                 authority . . . "the right hand of God," v. 1.

            2.  Believers are to "SET" (focus) their mind on spiritual things, not on

                 physical things, v. 2.

            3.  Believers have absolute security because their lives are hidden with

                 Christ in God, v. 3.

            4.  Because Christ literally is the believer's life, they also will appear

                 with Him in glory, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on "taking off" and "putting on"

            1.  Remove (take off; get rid of): (vv. 5, 8-9)

                        (1)  Fornication              (5)  Covetous                (9)    Malice

                        (2)  Uncleanness            (6)  Idolatry                   (10)  Blasphemy

                        (3)  Passion                  (7)  Anger                      (11)  Filthy Language

                        (4)  Evil Desire              (8)  Wrath                      (12)  Lying

            2.  Receive (put on; cultivate):  (vv. 10, 12-15)

                        (1)  Knowledge              (5)  Kindness                 (9)   Tolerance

                        (2)  Holiness                  (6)  Humility                   (10)  Forgiveness

                        (3)  Acceptance             (7)  Meekness               (11)  Love

                        (4)  Tender Mercies        (8)  Long-suffering         (12)  Peace

III.  Revelation:  on the positive results of such a changed life

            1.  Spiritual edification and encouragement of each other, v. 16.

            2.  Worship, including singing with grace to the Lord, v. 16.

            3.  "Whatever you do . . . do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

                 giving thanks," v. 17.

            4.  "Whatever you do . . . do it with your whole heart, as to the Lord

                 and not as unto men," v. 23.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Rejoice in my position of authority and security in Christ.

            2.  Focus my mind on spiritual things, allowing Christ to really "BE" my life.

            3.  Renounce sin and embrace righteousness in my daily living.

            4.  Worship God and serve others (with thanksgiving) in the name of the Lord

                 and with my whole heart . . . as UNTO the Lord.


"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."

--William Feather





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