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E-pistle for August 19, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation August 19, 2005

"Pinocchio's Nose

by Dr. Curt Scarborough

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" seems to be a very appropriate chant these

days . . . and not just at recess on the school playground. It's not only

the noses of politicians that have grown longer than Pinocchio's! Yes

indeed, we've come a long way since a boy named George Washington

reportedly said to his father, "I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my

hatchet!" Today, we not only CAN tell a lie . . . we frequently do.

What winning is to a coach . . . what wellness is to a doctor . . . what

is to a judge . . . so TRUTH is to a follow of Christ. It's not the main

it's the ONLY thing! Not only did Jesus speak the truth, He embodied the

To me as a Christian teacher, truth is both the subject I teach and the

objective I strive for; truth is my goal. Truth is the desired end and the

to reach that end. In short, "Whatever things are true," (Philippians 4:8)

is my core curriculum.

I do not fear that scientific facts will contradict biblical teachings.
True science,

correctly understood, always will square with true religious doctrine,

interpreted. Any apparent discrepancies between science and the Scriptures

are due to human error.

Paul wrote: "Let God be true and every man a liar," and "The foolishness of

God is wiser than men." (Romans 3:4; I Corinthians 1:25) The prophet Isaiah

puts the issue into true prospective: "For My thoughts are not your

nor your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than

earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your

(Isaiah 55:8-9)

The Apostle John reveals this emphasis as the dominant theme of TRUTH shines

forth brightly from his Gospel: "Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"

(1:17) . . . Those who worship The Father must worship in spirit and truth,"

. . . "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (8:32)
. . . "I

am the way, the truth and the life" (14:6)

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, because "You desire truth in the inward parts"

(Psalm 51:6), help me to meditate on and speak TRUTH . . . always and only

the truth.

Reflections on Spiritual Warfare

by Dr. Curt Scarborough

Granting the fact of God's sovereignty (Satan only may do what
God permits,

within certain limits and to accomplish the Lord's divine purposes), and

the truth of Christ's ultimate victory over Satan (accomplished through
Jesus' sinless

life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection), let us examine the
proper present-day

perspective on spiritual warfare.

Today, one branch of Christianity sees a demon behind every bush
and beneath

every rock. These well-meaning believers are continually "binding and
loosing" . . . a

misunderstanding of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 16:19. Even more foolish,
however, is

another branch of Christians who have no spiritual discernment at all.
These believers

don't have a clue about the reality of the events going on around them in
the spiritual

realm. The extent of their understanding about spiritual warfare is that

whenever things seem to be going bad in their lives, they entertain the
thought that these

calamities possibly might be a satanic attack . . . and they cry out to God
for mercy.

Today, we need a more balanced view . . . a double-barreled
perspective on

spiritual warfare. It must be seen both as a re-active and pro-active

Defensively, God's purposes for allowing us to come under
satanic attack may

be: (1) to test us, (2) to teach us a spiritual lesson, (3) to strengthen
us, and-or

(4) to discipline (or punish) us.

Offensively, spiritual warfare also may include these purposes
of God:

(1)to save lost souls, (2) to heal diseases and infirmities of the body, (3)
to free persons

from bondage, and/or (4) to "show up" or humiliate Satan, while glorifying

Jesus, the disciples, and the early church did not "hunker in
the bunker" against

Satanic assaults. Rather, in the power of God, they went on the offensive
against the

powers of darkness. They aggressively attacked satanic strongholds, and
"the gates of

hell could not prevail against them." They spoke to the mountain and it
moved; they

resisted the devil and he fled from them; they cast out demons, who
reluctantly abandoned

their victims; they ordered Satan to "Get behind me!" and he had no choice
but to obey.

Putting on the armor of God is a daily necessity, but then we
ought not strike a

defensive pose and wait for Satan to attack us. On the contrary, we need to

against our evil adversary, attacking him on every occasion in the powerful
name of the

Lord Jesus Christ. In spiritual warfare, the wise proverb is correct:


Four Questions To Ask Before Enrolling At Pillsbury

1. Why should I choose Pillsbury instead of some on-campus college or

Because most mid-career ministers have personal and church obligations that

prevent them from moving their family to become resident students. At

College & Seminary, you'll get a first class education without having to
quit your

job or leave your church field.

2. How is it possible for Pillsbury to offer a top quality education
through distance

learning, yet at such an affordable cost? ($90 per graduate credit hour)

Pillsbury has established official connections with three of the most
recognized and

reputable suppliers of Christian graduate-level curriculum in the nation . .

American Association of Christian Counselors; NCCA: National Christian

Association; and ITS: Institute of Theological Studies. In addition,
Freeway Foundation

has published the president's complete 5-volume Bible Study Series
("Personal &

Practical") as the core curriculum for the school's Expository Studies

Pillsbury College & Seminary is owned and operated by FreeWay Foundation,

pays the salaries and benefits of all school personnel. The school occupies
a part

of the Foundation's building in the St. Louis area without charge. The
tuition costs

therefore remain low because overhead costs of the school are minimal.

3. How long does it take to earn a master's or doctorial degree?

Pillsbury offers two master's degrees. The 36 credit hour program can be

within one year, and the 45 credit hour master's takes 15 months. We also
offer two

basic doctoral degree programs. The 48 credit hour doctorate can be

within 16 months, and the 60 credit hour doctorate takes 20 months.
Students take

only one 3-hour course at a time, and most 3-hour courses can be completed

30 days.

4. What's the one thing that makes Pillsbury stand out from all
other schools?

Although we are a distance learning institution, Pillsbury truly
makes every effort

To provide up close and personal service. When you telephone, chances are

you'll talk directly to Dr. Sharon Bartlett, the Academic Dean. Or, if you

working on licensure and board certification as a Christian counselor, you

confer with your clinical supervisor, Dr. Mary Jo Schneller. Also, if you

to discuss school policy (or whatever), just ask to talk to the president.

see how true it is! We really are:


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