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E-pistle for August 24, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            August 24, 2012


Faith and/or works

(James 2:1-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on faith without works

            1.  Mere profession of faith (saying you have it) is not profitable, vv. 14, 16.

            2.  Mere confession that one has faith cannot save that person, vv. 14, 24.

            3.  Mere mouthing of pious platitudes and good wishes does not benefit either

                 the speaker or the one in need, vv. 15-16.

            4.  Mere profession (or confession) of faith, by itself (without an inward change

                 change which produces an outward expression of good works) is dead, just

                 as the body without the spirit is dead, vv. 17, 20, 26.

II.  Meditation:  on identifying "true" faith

            1.  True faith results in good works, v. 18.

            2.  True faith is proven by good works, v. 18.

            3.  True faith involves more than mere intellectual assent . . . the demons believe

                 in God, and tremble, v. 19.

            4.  True faith always operates in conjunction with good works, and good works

                 reveal that the faith is perfect . . . spiritually alive and growing. 

                 NOTE:  James' illustrations of true faith:  Abraham and Rahab, vv. 21-25.

III.  Revelation:  on the principles of faith and works

            1.  It is impossible to show (verify; prove) one's faith without some sort of visible

                 activity (works), v. 18.

            2.  Good works done to honor and glorify the Lord, therefore, are visible evidence

                 of one's inner genuine faith, v. 18.

            3.  Abraham's faith was proven when he obeyed God and started to sacrifice Isaac;

                 Abraham believed God could resurrect Isaac (Hebrews 11:17-19); this faith was

                 accounted to Abraham for righteousness. 

                 True saving faith believes in God's resurrection power, His ability to bring persons,

                 dreams, hopes, and aspirations back to life, Romans 10:9.

            4.  Persons who have true faith, resulting in obedient good works, are called "friends

                 of God," v. 23.  See John 15:14.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Make sure that my confession of faith is more than mere lip-service . . . that it produces

                 God-honoring good works.

            2.  Grow daily in faith . . .which itself is one of God's gifts, Ephesians 2:8.

            3.  Serve God faithfully by obeying His word . . . thereby demonstrating the sincerity and

                 genuineness of my faith.

            4.  Rejoice in my special relationship as a "friend of God."

Faith without works is hypocrisy; works without faith also is hypocrisy.




Two kinds of wisdom

(James 3:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  James urged believers to tame their tongues; he taught that blessings and cursings

                 should not proceed out of the same mouth, vv. 1-12.

            2.  James contrasted heavenly wisdom with demonic wisdom, vv. 13-18.

II.  Meditation:  on the wisdom from below . . . and their opposites (vv. 14-16)

            1.  Bitterness (sweetness)                                 6.  Earthly (heavenly)

            2.  Envy (not covetous)                                     7.  Sensual (spiritual)

            3.  Self-seeking (unselfish)                               8.  Demonic (Godly)

            4.  Boasting (modest; humble)                         9.  Confusion (orderly)

            5.  Lying (truthful)                                            10. Every evil thing (every good thing)

III.  Meditation:  on the wisdom from above . . . with their opposites (v . 17)

            1.  Pure (unclean)                                             5.  Merciful (vengeful)

            2.  Peaceable (belligerent)                                6.  Fruitful (non-productive)

            3.  Gentle (harsh)                                              7.  Unbiased (prejudiced)

            4.  Submissive (unteachable)                           8.  Sincere (fake)

IV.  Revelation:  on wisdom from God's perspective

            1.  A wise and understanding person shows by his conduct that his works are done in

                 the proper spirit and with a Godly attitude (meekness, v. 13).

            2.  The wisdom from below is produced by Satan; the wisdom from above comes from

                 the Holy Spirit and produces His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).

            3.  These two types of wisdom (heavenly and earthly; divine and human) are direct

                 opposites; they cannot be reconciled by finding a compromise between them.

            4.  God's wisdom is peaceable (v. 17); it is sown in peace (v. 18); it is sown by those who

                 make peace (v. 18).

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Exhibit the meek, gently spirit of Christ in all that I do.

            2.  Allow the Holy Spirit to produce is fruit in my life.

            3.  Not tolerate in my life characteristics from both lists of "wisdom" (Satanic and Godly) . . .

                 they are mutually exclusive.

            4.  Be a peacemaker, sowing peace . . . introducing persons to the "Prince of Peace," Isaiah 9:6.


"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."









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