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E-pistle for August 30, 2013

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            August 30, 2013


Fat cows and skinny cows

(Genesis 41:57)

--Dr. Curt Scarborough


MC900036353[1]I.  Concentration:  On The Main Events Of This Chapter

            1.  Pharaoh had two dreams:  of seven fat cows and seven skinny cows,              and of

                 seven plump heads of grain and seven thin heads, vv. 1-7, 17-24.

            2.  None of Pharaoh's astrologers or wise men could interpret his  dream.

            3.  Finally, the chief butler remembered Joseph and recommended him

                 to Pharaoh, vv. 9-13.

            4.  Joseph was summoned from the dungeon and cleaned up; he gave God the glory for

                 interpreting dreams; he told Pharaoh what his two dreams meant, vv. 14-16, 25-32.

II.  Meditation:  On Joseph's God-Given Interpretation

            1.  Both dreams are pictures of the same coming events, vv. 25-26.

MP900384743[1]            2.  There will be seven years of great, plentiful harvest              in Egypt, v. 29.

            3.  These "fat" years will be followed by seven "lean"                 years of severe famine,

      vv. 27, 30-31.

            4.  "The dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God,

     and God will shortly bring it to pass," v. 32.

III.  Revelation:  On How God Works To Accomplish His Purpose

            1.  First, God shows one of His servants what He is about to do (Amos 3:7) . . . here Joseph

                 passed God's word along to Pharaoh, v. 28.

            2.  Next, God looks for a spiritually discerning person to appoint over his work, v. 33; then

                 God gives His chosen leader specific plans to accomplish His divine purpose, vv. 34-37.

            3.  God anoints His chosen leader with the Holy Spirit, empowering him for service and

                 exhibiting God's presence in his life, v. 38.

            4.  God gives His chosen, anointed leader the authority necessary to accomplish every duty

                 and responsibility He assigns; here Pharaoh gave Joseph virtually total authority in Egypt,

                 signified by his signet ring, royal garments, gold chain, and a chariot of honor, vv. 39-44.

IV.  Applications:  As A Christian, I Need To . . .

            1.  Wait patiently, through adversity, knowing that the Lord has a destiny and purpose for me

                 to fulfill during my life on earth.

            2.  Faithfully carry out the details of the plan which God revealed to me, vv. 44, 47-49, 53-54.

            3.  Receive with thanksgiving the manifold blessings from the Lord, including my children.

                 Joseph's sons were named Manasseh (Forgetful) . . . God made Joseph forget his

     troubles, and Ephraim (Fruitful) . . . God made him fruitful in Egypt, vv. 50-52. 

     (See also Genesis 48:20).

4.  Observe with reverence and praise the life-preserving deliverance that Almighty God brings

                 about through my humble service, vv. 53-57.




(Mark 1:1-45)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration and Meditation on the work "immediately" in this chapter

            1.  "IMMEDIATELY, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit

                 descending upon Him . . . You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," v. 10-11.

            2.  "IMMEDIATELY, the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness . . . to be tempted by Satan,"

                 vv. 12-13.

            3.  "They (Simon and Andrew) IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed Him," v. 18.

            4.  "IMMEDIATELY He called them (James and John) and they . . . went after Him," v. 20.

            5.  "IMMEDIATELY on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught," v. 21.

                 (Cast out a demon:  vv. 23-27.)

            6.  "IMMEDIATELY His fame spread throughout all the region and around Galilee," v. 28.

            7.  "He came and took her (Simon's mother-in-law) by the hand and lifted her up, and

                 IMMEDIATELY the fever left her," v. 31.

            8.  "As soon as he had spoken, IMMEDIATELY the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed,"

                 v. 42.

II.  Revelation:  on things that God does "IMMEDIATELY"

            1.  He gives the Holy Spirit for spiritual vision, affirmation, guidance; and power over temptation.

            2.  He calls people to a new way of life, including evangelistic outreach.

            3.  He teaches His truths, illustrating their validity by overcoming Satanic opposition and bondage

                 . . . all for His praise and glory.

            4.  He heals hurting people and answers their sincere prayers, v. 40.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Invite the fullness of the Holy Spirit into my life for spiritual perception, for affirmation of my

                 relationship with the Father, for guidance in my daily walk with Him, and for overcoming

                 power to triumph over temptation.

            2.  Listen for Jesus' call to follow Him, with an eye on evangelistic opportunities . . . to tell the

                 good news and to win the lost.

            3.  Study and meditate on God's word, as interpreted by the Holy Spirit, to gain strength and

                 wisdom for overcoming Satanic opposition and bondage . . . steadfastly resisting temptation

                 in the name of the Lord.

            4.  Pray with sincere faith, knowing that God can, that He want to, and that He does heal hurting

                 people today.


"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel."

--Maya Angelou





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