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E-pistle for December 19, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            Dr. Curt Scarborough, President            December 19, 2014


Christmas Is A Time

Dr. Curt Scarborough


            For children, Christmas is a time of IMAGINATION, of sugar-plum fairies and flying reindeer,

of a miraculous star and a baby in a manager.

            For teenagers, Christmas is a time of ANTICIPATION, of holiday parties, and laughing friends,

of jingle-bell music and mistletoe kisses.

            For adults, Christmas is a time of CELEBRATION, of festive decorations and children (and

grandchildren) around a bountiful table, of already guessed gifts and family traditions.

            For seniors, Christmas is a time of RECOLLECTION, of long- ago sleigh rides and caroling

parties, of childhood dreams and remembered loved ones.

            For believers of all ages, Christmas if a time of SALVATION, "For you shall call His name

Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins," Matthew 1:21, "There is born to you this day in

the city of David a SAVIOR, who is CHRIST THE LORD," Luke 2:11.

            Later in his gospel, Doctor Luke mentions four things which believers should do at Christmas


                        1.  CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO MARVEL

                                    "All those who heard it MARVELED at those things which were told

                                    them by the shepherds,"  Luke 2:18

                        2.  CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO TREASURE

                                    "But Mary TREASURED (kept) all these things," Luke 2:19

                        3.  CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO PONDER

                                    "Mary . . . PONDERED them in her heart,"  Luke 2:19

                        4.  CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO WORSHIP

                                    "Then the shepherds returned, GLORIFYING AND PRAISING GOD for all the

things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them," Luke 2:20

            Below is a poem I wrote emphasizing these four things we should do at Christmas time:

marvel, treasure, ponder, and worship.  I've entitled this carol, "Christmas Is A Time," and it may

be sung to the tune "Regent Square" . . . "Angels From The Realms of Glory."



Christmas Is A Time

Christmas is a time to marvel,

Be astonished, stand in awe;

For the God of all creation,

Lies a babe upon the straw.

Time to marvel, time to marvel,

Marvel at the newborn King.


Christmas is a time to treasure,

Cherish, value, measure worth;

Think about the Lord of Glory

Leaving all to come to earth.

Time to treasure, time to treasure,

Treasure Christ the newborn King.


Christmas is a time to ponder,

Weigh in mind and meditate;

Jesus came to die as Savior,

Rose to open heaven's gate.

Time to ponder, time to ponder,

Ponder Christ the newborn King.


Christmas is a time to worship,

Shepherds praised His holy name;

Wise men knelt and paid Him homage;

We today shall do the same.

Time to worship, time to worship,

Worship Christ the newborn King.



Merry Christmas

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FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Seminary







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