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E-pistle for December 23, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>



FreeWay Foundation            December 23, 2011




Christmas is a time to worship

Dr. Curt Scarborough


"Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God

for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it

was told to them,"  Luke 2:20


In the light of our marveling . . . our treasuring . . . our

pondering . . . we surely will be impelled to worship the King.

The word "worship" has its roots in the word "worth"

and implies that the object of worship is worthy.


Also included in the meaning of the word worship is the thought

of weight.  Even in contemporary slang, some folks

characterize an event or idea as being "heavy".  As in no

other situation, coming into the presence of Almighty God to

worship Him is a "heavy" experience!


Christmas is a time to worship;

Shepherds praised His holy name;

Wise men knelt and paid Him homage;

We today shall do the same.

Time to worship, time to worship,

Worship Christ the newborn king.







The Staff of FreeWay Foundation and

Pillsbury College & Seminary,

Wish you and your family a

 Merry Christmas


Blessed New Year!


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