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E-Pistle for December 24, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation           Dr. Curt Scarborough, President          December 24, 2014




cosy_christmas_candle[1] Most of the Christmas pageants I've seen portray Joseph and Mary coming to a hotel, but being

turned away "because there was no room for them in the inn," Luke 2:7.  We imaging that "inn" to be

like a Holiday Inn or at least or at least a Motel 6!  But, in fact, this word translated "inn" really means

"guest room."  It was a room in a private home, probably reserved for relatives and other travelers who,

in this instance, came to Bethlehem by order of the Roman  Emperor.

            A more accurate picture, I think, is that Mary and Joseph had relatives in the city . . . or at least

acquaintances.  Bethlehem was a small village, and it was, after all, the home-town of their family. 

Because the couple arrived late at night, the "guest room" already was occupied, so they were shown

to the stable out back . . . just temporarily, for the night.

            This possibility inspired me to write the poem, 'Come as a Child" which you will find below.  It

May be sung to the turn "Bunessan" . . . "Child in a Manger."  Please accept this "home-made"

Christmas gift for you which I pass along with my sincere "Merry Christmas!"

Dr Curt 








Dr. Curt Scarborough


Come as a child to David's small city;

Out of town fam'lies, spending the night;

Children all sent out into the stable:

Big slumber party!  What a delight!


Kids now are quiet, midnight approaching;

Cousins arrive with no place to stay;

House is too crowded; kinfolk are sleeping;

"Just for one evening, sleep in the hay."


There in the manger:  a newborn baby;

Mary and Joseph tend to their son;

Moms in the household hear the commotion,

With cloths and water, come on the run.


Children are watching their newborn cousin;

Asking the question, "What is his name?"

"His name is Jesus," says Joe and Mary.

"Great!" says a small lad, "Mine is the same!"


Out of the night now shepherds appearing;

Getting permission Jesus to hold;

Praising their God with joy and thanksgiving;

Spreading the message angels had told.


More great excitement!  Visitors royal:

Men from the East who followed a star;

Before the baby, they fall and worship;

Giving him presents brought from afar.


Come as a child, let's visit the manger;

God of creation, came as a boy;

Take time to WONDER, take time to TREASURE,

Take time to PONDER, WORSHIP with joy.



Merry Christmas from the staff of


FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Seminary






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