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E-pistle for December 7, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


Christmas Is A Time

For children, Christmas is a time of imagination . . . of sugar-plum fairies

and flying reindeer . . . of a miraculous star and a baby in a manger.

For teenagers, Christmas is a time of anticipation . . . of holiday parties

and laughing friends . . . of jingle bell music and mistletoe kisses. 

For adults, Christmas is a time of celebration . . . of festive decorations

and children (and grandchildren) around a bountiful table . . . of

already-guessed gifts and family traditions.

For seniors, Christmas is a time of recollection . . . of long-ago sleigh

rides and caroling parties . . . of childhood dreams and well

remembered loved ones.

For believers of all ages, Christmas is a time of salvation . . .

"For you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from

their sins,"  Matthew 1:21 . . . "There is born to you this day in the

city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord,"  Luke 2:11.

Later in his gospel, Dr. Luke mentions four things which

believers should do at Christmas time.




FreeWay Foundation            December 7, 2012


Opening the seventh seal (Part Two)

(Revelation 9:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the fifth and sixth angels

            1.  The fifth angel sounded a trumpet and the fallen star (Satan, Revelation 8:10-11)

                 opened hell, and out of the bottomless pit came deadly creatures (locusts and

                 scorpions) to torment mankind for a short period of time, vv. 1-10.

            2.  These demonic forces operated under their evil king, Satan or Lucifer . . . here

                 called Abaddon or Apollyon, meaning "Destruction," v. 11.

            3.  The sixth angel sounded a trumpet and four other angels of God were released

     to kill one-third of the earth's population, vv. 13-15.

            4.  These four angels of God commanded a vast army of 200 million beings who

                 brought death and destruction on all persons who had failed to repent of their

                 sins (and confess Jesus as their Lord), vv. 16-21.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on God's coming judgment

            1.  God's final judgment will be unleashed on earth when Satan is given full freedom

                 to operate, without God's restraining power.

            2.  Initially, Satan's demonic forces will be allowed to torment the people living on

                 the earth.

            3.  Finally, however, God's avenging angels will bring unrepentant (unbelieving,

                 unsaved) persons into the second death . . . hell, prepared for Satan and his

                 angels, Matthew 25:41.

            4.  God's invincible avenging angels, riding on war horses, are fearsome in

     appearance and mighty in power! 

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Realize the malevolent power which is possessed by my enemy, Satan.

            2.  Put on God's spiritual armor, enabling me to stand fearlessly against Satan,

                 Ephesians 6:10-20.

            3.  Live with faith and confidence because God's spiritual forces will someday

                 completely overwhelm and defeat Satan's demons.

            4.  Pray daily for lost persons in my world, witnessing to them of the grace and

     mercy of the Lord, Who wants to deliver them from the pending "second death."




Opening the seventh seal (part three)

(Revelation 10:1-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I. Concentration:  on the seventh angel

            1.  The seventh angel (v. 7) came down from heaven, clothed in a cloud, with a

                 rainbow around his head, with his face like the sun, and with his feet like

                 pillars of fire, v. 1.

            2.  This angel had a little book open in his hand, v. 2.

            3.  This angel, standing with his right foot on the sea and his left food on the land,

                 spoke with a loud voice . . . like a lion's roar, v. 3.

            4.  This angel, raising his hand to heaven, swore by Almighty God that there would

                 be no more delay in accomplishing God's eternal will and purpose, vv. 5-6 . . .

                 that the mystery of God would be finished (fulfilled), according to the prophets, v. 7.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on John's involvement in this scene

            1.  John heard the voice telling him to take the little book from the hand of the seventh


            2.  This "little book" symbolized the prophetic word of God.

            3.  "Eating" (digesting God's word) initially may produce discomfort (heart-burn), but

                 eventually it becomes honey-sweet.  (See Ezekiel 2:9-33 and Psalm 19:10.)

            4.  God's purpose in this little book episode was to give John a new message to preach

                 again to "many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings," v. 11.  (The Book of Revelation

                 is John's God-inspired prophetic message to mankind . . . the "little book.")

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

            1.  Recognize that God has a planned destiny for this universe, and that His divine purpose

                 also includes and involves my life.

            2.  Hear and immediately obey the voice of God speaking personally to me.

            3.  Realize that God has given me a "word" which I am commissioned to pass along to others.

            4.  Meditate upon the word of God, allowing it to make me spiritually uncomfortable . . . so

                 that I will repent of my sin, and so that God's word then will become pleasant and

                 nourishing to my life.


"Example is not the main thing in influencing others.  It's the only thing."

--Albert Schweitzer



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