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E-pistle for December 9, 2011

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FreeWay Foundation           December 9, 2011


A good understanding

(Psalm 111:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the great works of the Lord (v. 2)

            1.  God's works are to be studied by perceptive persons who find pleasure in

                 examining His power at work, v. 2.

            2.  God's works are honorable (worthy of respect) and glorious (splendid; brilliant),

                 v. 3.

            3.  God's works are wonderful, and they are to be remembered . . . memorialized, v. 4.

            4.  God's works provide food (and other necessities) for His faithful people, according

                 to the Covenant promises, v. 5.

            5.  God's works include giving to His chosen people "the nations" (the Promised Land)

                 as their in heritance through His power, v. 6. 

            6.  God's works are accomplished in verity (truth) and justice; they will endure forever

                 and ever, vv. 7-8.

            7.  God's works culminate in the redemption He sent to His people, v. 9.

II.  Meditation:  on God's character as revealed in these great works

            1.  God is worthy of all praise, vv. 1, 10.

            2.  God is righteous, v. 3.

            3.  God is gracious and compassionate, v. 4.

            4.  God is holy and awesome, v. 9.

III.  Revelation:  on the "beginning of wisdom," (v. 10)

            1.  True wisdom begins with reverence (fear) in the presence of Almighty God,

                 Proverbs 9:10.

            2.  True wisdom includes obedience to the Lord's commandments.

            3.  True wisdom produces an understanding of spiritual things, Ecclesiastes 12:13.

            4.  True wisdom results in continuing praise to God.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Thankfully cultivate an awareness of God's powerful hand at work all around me;

                 His works are great and memorable!

            2.  Reflect upon God's works, in order to discover more about His holiness and

                 righteousness, His grace and compassion.

            3.  Allow god to enlighten the heat of my understanding, as I reverence and obey Him.

            4.  Continually praise the Lord with my whole heart "in the assembly of the upright and

                 in  the congregation," v. 1.


Christmas Is A Time To Marvel

Dr. Curt Scarborough


"All those who heard it marveled  at those things which were

told them by the shepherds,"  Luke 2:18.


To marvel means to be astonished, to stand in awe.  To exclaim,

"This is astounding!"  This newborn baby is the God of Creation!

This infant spoke the words and everything in the universe

came into being!  Fantastic!  Almighty God entered into

human history on this planet as a totally dependent child!


Recently I wrote this poem which may be sung to the tune

"Regent Square" . . . (Angels from the Realms of Glory).

Christmas is a time to marvel,

Be astonished, stand in awe;

For the God of all creation

Lies a babe upon the straw.

Time to marvel, time to marvel,

Marvel at the newborn king.


"Christmas is doing a little extra for someone."

--Charles Schulz




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