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E-pistle for February 13, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            Dr. Curt Scarborough            February 13, 2015


The lord questions job's knowledge

(Job 38:1-41)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  The Lord spoke to Job out of the whirlwind, questioning him to expose

                 his ignorance and impotence, vv. 1-3.

            2.  God asked Job where he was during the creation of the universe, vv. 4-11.

            3.  God asked Job whether he caused the sun to rise, or whether he knew the

                 secrets of life and death, vv. 12-18.

            4.  God asked Job to explain the source and properties of light, vv. 19-21.

            5.  God asked Job about the elements of weather (snow, hail, rain, ice, clouds,

                 and lightning), vv. 22-30, 34-35, 37-38.

            6.  God asked Job about the constellations of the stars in space, vv. 31-33.

            7.  God asked Job the source of human wisdom and understanding, v. 36.

            8.  God asked Job whether he provided food for all the animals, vv. 39-41.

II.  Meditation:  on some key verses in this chapter

            1.  "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth . . . When the

                 morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

                 vv. 4, 7.

            2.  "Have the gates of death been revealed (opened) to you?  Or have you

                 seen the doors of the shadow of death?" v. 17.

            3.  "Where is the way to the dwelling of light?" v. 19.

            4.  "Who has put wisdom in the mind?  Or who has given understanding

                 to the heart?"  v. 36.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these verses

            1.  Angels (sons of God, Job 1:6) already were in existence at the time when

                 God created the universe; "morning stars" and "sons of God" are Biblical

                 expressions for created celestial beings. 

     (See Isaiah 14:12 and Matthew 2:2, 9-10)

2.  The "gates of death" indeed have been opened by the resurrection of Jesus


     I Corinthians 15:20-26; II Timothy 1:10, Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 20:11-15.

            3.  The Lamb of God is the one and only way into heaven . . . the city of light,

                 John 14:6; Revelation 21:23.

            4.  Omniscient God is the source of all of man's wisdom and understanding,

                 Psalm 51:6; Revelation 21:23.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

            1.  Join with the angels in singing praises to God.

            2.  Have no fear of death, which has been conquered by Christ.

            3.  Joyfully anticipate spending eternity in heaven with the Lord.

            4.  Seek daily enlightenment and guidance from the Holy Spirit. 




How to minister divine healing

(James 5:13-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the personal, human situations under discussion

            1.  Suffering? . . . pray, v. 13.

            2.  Cheerful? . . . sing, v. 13.

            3.  Sick? . . . call for elders to pray, v. 14.

            4.  Sinful? . . . confess sins to one another (accountability group),

                                  and to God, and be forgiven, vv. 15-16.

II.  Meditation:  on the proper exercise of prayer

            1.  The person who is suffering (physically, mentally, emotionally,

                 and/or spiritually) should pray for himself, v. 13.

            2.  The person who is sick (physically) should call for the elders of

                 the church; the elders should pray over the sick person, anointing

                 him with oil (symbolizing the Holy Spirit) in the name of the

     Lord, v. 14.

3.  The elders should have faith that the Lord can and will heal the

     person who is sick . . . that "the Lord will raise him up" v. 5.

4.  The entire group of believers should confess their sins to one

                 another (and to God), so that their prayers may be heard and

                 answered by God.

III.  Revelation:  on the benefits to be received from praying in faith

            1.  The divine healing of persons who are physically ill.

            2.  An increasing faith, as God miraculously manifests His power.

            3.  A moving of focus from the physical realm to the spiritual realm

                 . . . from healing of the body to healing of the soul (forgiveness            

                 and cleansing).

            4.  Encouragement to live a righteous life, so that our prayers might

                 be fervent and effective in all areas of daily living . . . even for

                 rain to break a drought, vv. 16-18.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Pray for my own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

            2.  Take the initiative, when I become ill, to call the elders of the church,

                 even before I call the doctor.

            3.  Function as an elder:  when requested to do so, anoint the sick with

                 oil and pray with faith for their recovery.

            4.  Always pray fervently (with my sins confessed and forgiven), believing

                 that God will answer miraculously . . . according to His sovereign will

                 and for His own glory.


Wits and Wisecracks by Mark Twain

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

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